Let's Be Friends

I love you and you love me�and I figured something HUGE out.

When we �fell in love��we both did it differently.

You first fell in love with me as a friend�but I fell in love with you romantically.

Then as time progressed, you loved me romantically as well...and I loved you as a friend, as well.

But look at the basis of the relationship.

That�s why we clashed.

It made perfect sense, yet if we saw it�I don�t think we really realized it.

You loved me enough as a friend that if I wanted someone else�you would let me go. You loved me enough as a friend that if the romance died, you�d still love me.

I didn�t. I was selfish. I loved you romantically more than a friend at first and still had trouble letting you go.

So, here�s what I think. I have to stop loving you romantically and to tell you the truth, I think I�m getting there.

You see, you felt bad because you thought you stopped loving me and we fell out of love�but in reality, you stopped romantically. Unfortunately for us both, we didn�t understand or realize it in time.

So here�s my proposition. I�m going to stop loving you romantically and start loving you more as a friend. I already am starting to love you that way.

Let�s be in love as friends.

Let�s love each other as friends and be best friends.

I doubt we�ll get back together too�because we can�t. But the future Roni and Josh, the ones we are becoming and changing into�who�s to say if they have a chance? Not us. Nobody knows the future. But if we do become friends and love each other as friends�someday there is a slight chance it could progress as more. If it does, great�if it doesn�t�we have something better.

Friendship love NEVER dies. I was right about that.

I was wrong about something else though�romantic love DOES die.

It always dies.

It�s always short lived.

TRUE Love is based on friendship love�not romance.

Am I making sense?

Josh, I�m letting you go romantically. I�m focusing on getting to know you more as a friend. Besides, it�s best for the baby this way, too.

How do you feel about this?

I have a good feeling.

I think our friendship can make it. We don�t have to necessarily start from scratch�let�s remember our good memories. Like our laughs and our C++, our baby, the 4th of July�even Quincom (yeah, yeah�I actually enjoyed hanging around the gamers�LOL)

Can we make this work? Can our friendship last?

I�m glad you realized this first�about loving me as a friend. It means a lot and shows how much you do care.

Now, please�do you think this is right? Can it work?

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