Ya Know What?

Amy's Dad died when she was 14.

Teressa's Dad was never there.

David's friend died from Aids.

Darren used to do drugs.

That's just some of what I learned in speech today.

Everyone has their sob story.

Why do I need to share mine?

I ruined it, ya know.

I broke the ring.

Not the promise ring...the TLW ring.

I screwed up.


Ya know what, Mariah? Sometimes I wish I was pregnant. That's right. To feel that never ending love in me. In me. Someone who loved whole heartedly and was unbiased.

Ya know what, Mom? Quit screwing my life up. That's right. Leave me the hell alone. I have enough bills. I have a college loan. Quit adding to my problems. Quit it. I'm not helping you with money anymore. You got me in deep this time.

Ya know what, Dad? You werent the bad guy afterall.

Ya know what, Josh? Maybe I can survive without you.

Ya know what, Sarah? Get over Joe or do something about it.

Ya know what, Jenn? Why do I have you?

Ya know what, Roni? ....Grow up.

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