Leave Me In This Hole


Hey, honey. I just got off the phone with you. Look, there are some things I didn't say.

This was the last time I get to talk to you for a while...we already knew that. You couldn't talk long because you are at work. You can't talk tonight because you have a D&D game at Greg's...which, by the way, I HATE him for stealing you on your last night before QU. Tomorrow, QU. You leave and go away to college. That's right...my Joshua is going away to a university. Yes, I'm proud of you...but, it sucks.

I'm the reason you got mail from them.

I put you on the mailing list.

I sorta roped you into going there.

Then, I left you there.

I chose to go to MACC.

I left you behind.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate me for it.

I don't know now why I chose MACC. I left you behind. Maybe it's the right choice for my education, maybe it's a good thing...but for now, it's WRONG. It's sooo wrong. YOU're what's right. I need to be with YOU. I need YOU...not MACC. Sounds gay, right? I know, I know...YOU want me to get a good education, but for this second...right now, you're all I care about. You're all I can think of.




I just want to be with you.

Right now, I don't know what's wrong.

I don't know what's right.

All I know is something is missing.

YOU are missing.

You left a hole in my soul.

An emptiness in my heart.

A limp to my spirit.

I need YOU.

I miss YOU.

Good luck at college.

Just...hurry home soon.

Home is where the heart is. You have mine and I have yours, so we're only truly home when we're together.

I'll do my best in college, I'll succeed. You do the same.

Do it for me.

I won't hear from you in a while...you didn't set up your phone service yet (and it takes a few days or so)...you don't have the internet nor a messenger yet...you haven't mailed me your mailing address.

For now, I'm in a hole.

I don't care who passes me...

because...I will stay here.

I'm waiting on YOU.

I'll wait for you.

Please keep waiting on me.

I love you.

I loved "the gomer" entry you wrote in here. Heck, I copied and converted it into my desktop.

I just want near you.

I love you.

I love you.



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