Wakeup Call

Have I told you lately that I love you?


Then let me say it again.

I love you.

I love you.

Joshua...I love you.

It was a nice surprise when you called this morning before church.

It feels like a lifetime since I've seen you.

I love hearing you.

Just the sound of your voice lets me know everythings ok.

I want to be with you.

I want you to be with me for a long time.

Foreva eva

Hehe, it's so cute when you say that.

Ok, so this wasn't some deep intellectual entry...but c'mon...were you really expecting one????

Oh, Mrs. Vessels said the last editorial I wrote was my best work ever :D

Now I have to find a way to top it.

I know it was long, but I really hope people read it.

It meant a lot to me and it was personal.

Everything in it was either about me or someone I know personally.

Vast majority was about MY life. MINE.

I let a glimpse of my life out there for the whole school to see.

Did it take guts? Hell yeah.

I just hope people read it and maybe, just maybe took it to heart.

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