The Medal

Yesterday was the FBLA Districts. It was at MU-Columbia. Josh Faucett, that little freshman who likes me, stalked me the ENTIRE DAY. That blew chunks. He even went into my testing rooms to watch me...yeesh.

I competed in two things.

From 9-9:50 A.M. was my Computer Applications written test. It was DAMN hard. The part I did the other day and mailed in...the application part was hard too. I had to do spreadsheets, faxs, charts, memos and stuff but it was hard b/c we only had so long and the information was hard to input. The written part had NOTHING to do with my Computer Applications class. It was about bytes, disks, RAM, ROMS, Web browsers, and thing I have NO FRIGGIN IDEA about. It was the more hardware stuff. I knew the things about footers and measurements...but it was still FRIGGIN hard. I was convinced I did horrible. However, I got 2nd place! A MEDAL! YAY!

The second test was from 11-11:50 A.M. It was the Business Communications. I think about 3 people from every chapter in the district took it. I was going to worry if I didn't place b/c I'm editor of the school paper so by golly, I should be able to do things like that. It was on spelling and grammer and a LOT of proofreading. I got 4th place.

Anyway, Walt, Ryan, and Joe tried to rescue me from Josh Faucett. Walt didn't have too much luck. Ryan did great. Joe was the main reason Josh bugged off some.

ANYWAY, I just wanna say...I got a medal! Hehe. I got a pin like thing in 6th grade for citizenship...and then a tiny medal in 8th grade for algebra since I breezed through pre algebra. So, this is the first medal I feel like I truly earned.

It means A LOT to me.

I feel a confidence boost.

Josh is proud (NO, not the annoying Faucett kid...but I mean MY JOSH). He's a great guy. It's been 3 months, you know.

Hey, we did some math and Chris was who I had dated the longest and we figured it up and it was like 3 months and a week and like 2 days...who knows. The point is...Josh is almost caught up and he's ecstatic.

I love him. I do.

HAHA. He said if we weren't married by the time he was 30, we'd get married...but I said that was sorta old to start having kids. So, he changed it to when he's 26 and I'm 25.

Even though he was sorta like "we'd get married before then" attitude going on. Heh. Who knows.

I just know...I love him.

He deserves a medal for putting up with my mood swings...haha.

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