
Cincinnati was AWESOME!!!! The FBLA Fall Leadership Conference was really terrific.

I had three interesting that two because the first one wasnt so hot. To tell you the truth if it hadnt have been for Josh, I probably would have just left the first one all together. was dull. Actually if it hadnt have been for Josh going w/ me to the first 2 workshops I attended, they likely would have sucked. You know, the "I'm lonely because my group consists of preps that have nothing in common with me and would rather go to the pool then go to the conference which brought us to Cincinnati"..yeah...that factor. He was the first person I really talked to more than just the word 'hi'. So, Josh...Thanks! And I wish I had thought to tell you that after I got to the Hyatt after the dance.

I guess what it comes right down to is the fact that I didn't go to the workshops with my group, but yet, this perfect stranger was willing to let me tag along with him. Guess that meant something to me because things like that normally just don't happen. Heh. *shrugs*

Entries on the workshops...coming soon.

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