
I had the feeling we�d be in a wreck. I really felt we would. When the truck came toward me, all I could do was freeze. I felt cold and numb. I wasn�t really scared, but rather a calm, cooling feeling came over me.
I�m fine. Mom�s fine. Robbie�s fine. The driver of the truck, his son, his daughter, and his daughter�s friend are all fine. Our car on the other hand, it�s not fine. Bumper? What�s that? Our front bumper is totally gone and so are many of the parts near it.
The only thing we have to show is a screwed up looking car and a bruise on my chest. Mom had stuck her arm out to keep me from flying forward and she did it with such force that I have a bruise like someone punched me.
See, we were driving through Mexico, MO and came to a stop sign. We stopped and it was clear so we pulled out. About that time, a truck from out of town (New Bloomfield) came around and was looking around and never saw the stop sign and ran smack into us. Mom turned the car to try to avoid it, but it was too late. The truck smashed into the front on my side (passenger).
I�m a little shaken up still and the slow-motion image keeps replaying in my head. I feel nervous and cold. My back hurts. I had pulled a muscle yesterday morning and being bumped around today made it worse.
Needless to say, I still got my senior pictures taken at Unger. After all, that�s why we were in Mexico anyway. I look forward to seeing them. I especially think the black and white photos and the waterfall ones will be great. Heh, I�ll always know that I got those picture taken the day I was in my first real wreck.
I gotta go for now, my back is really killing me�.

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