
Bertha: How�d it go?

Roni: better than expected

Bertha: how?

Roni: they understood more than I thought they would

Bertha: still scared?

Roni: some, but it should be ok.

Bertha: you�ve been talking to �mark� again, haven�t you?

Roni: yes, Vince helped me a lot

Bertha: you realize you said his name, right?

Roni: yes, he should get credit where credit is due

Bertha: ok, how�d he help?

Roni: he did the strangest thing

Bertha: oh?

Roni: he listened to me, he cared

Bertha: don�t I listen?

Roni: that�s different, he ACTUALLY listened

Bertha: I see, well �that helped?

Roni: yes, saying it helped�and he�d say things that made sense and I�d go �click� and it would help me to make sense of things, even though he didn�t realize he did it

Bertha: He�s great then?

Roni: Yep

Bertha: has talking to him helped your guy problem?

Roni: some

Bertha: good, now what can I get you to release tonight?

Roni: hmm� don�t know

Bertha: how do you feel about Elisha now?

Roni: pretty much the same, but I�ve accepted it more

Bertha: let the healing begin

Roni: you sound like a yoga instructor

Bertha: sorry, sorry�let the coping begin

Roni: we�ll see�I�ll try to cope, but I don�t know how

Bertha: well�.I heard you mentioned Brandon to Vince.

Roni: I did

Bertha: does this mean you�re able to talk about it more?

Roni: to him

Bertha: that�s odd�

Roni: what is?

Bertha: you aren�t very trusting, so why Vince?

Roni: instincts

Bertha: oh, those

Roni: yeah

Bertha: why don�t you talk about it to others?

Roni: they usually wont listen, and that is why I haven�t moved past it yet

Bertha: write it all down and email it to everyone

Roni: no

Bertha: but you like sending mass emails

Roni: true, but NO

Bertha: why not?

Roni: they wouldn�t read it

Bertha: possibly

Roni: yeah

Bertha: you�re acting strange

Roni: yeah

Bertha: what�s wrong?

Roni: don�t know, I think I�m sick

Bertha: oh?

Roni: the stress if finally catching up, I think I�ll puke

Bertha: You have got to release your feelings more often

Roni: I�ll try

Bertha: that�s NOT good enough, you HAVE to

Roni: we�ll see

Bertha: Roni Ann!!!!!

Roni: fine, I WILL release my feelings more

Bertha: good, that�s a start�but that�s all of our time for tonight

Roni: tired so soon?

Bertha: no, it�s just you need to release you�re feelings without me interrupting

Roni: ok

Bertha: now

Roni: fine�..DAMN!!!!! DAMN, DAMN, DAMN!

Bertha: and?

Roni: that�s all for now, case closed

Bertha: Roni Ann?

Roni: maybe tomorrow�it�s August

Bertha: school starts in about 3 weeks

Roni: oh yeah�.thanks for RUINING my mood

Bertha: no problem, now release MORE

Roni: tomorrow


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