
I'm not uncaring. I'm willing to listen to what you have to say, I just want you to realize, this is MY journal. It's where I put MY feelings. I realize you are going to disagree with me sometimes and that's fine, but don't just snap at me and tell me how I'm wrong. Hear me out. If you aren't going to approach it with atleast a semi open mind, don't approach it at all. Otherwise, we'll have a "lovely" conversation. This is one I had today about my "corrupt entry". I changed the person's name to "he" so he's not identifiable. Also, I'm Prinzessin Snaggle. I do realize that I'm not the best at "debating" but I don't give up easily. I hope this conversation doesn't offend you, but I want you to see my point (that America corrupts) and I think this illustrates it more elaboratly. Here it is:

HE says:

I decided to read your corrupted mind entry while my Quickbooks was doing a backup. I TOTALLY disagree and dare say that if anything RED has corrupted your mind!

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

um...Red never said that stuff

Prinzessin Snaggle says:


Prinzessin Snaggle says:

I was just using him as an example....you must have read it wrong....he didnt say that

HE says:

I didn't say he did. But you seem so sure that you two think the same way that he didn't have to say those words exactly.

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

it's NOT him that made me think of that..he has NOTHING to do with it, all I meant was he'd actually consider what I have to say instead of agreeing or disagreeing, he'd try to hear me out first, which, You arent

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

point proven there

HE says:

Then I don't know where you're getting all of these "off the wall" "twisted" points of view.

HE says:

I think it MUST be the rebellious period.

HE says:

Or that music you're listening to.

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

hmmmm...music?? havent listened to any �bad� music in a while...and I've thought that for a while now...I even one a national essay contest over that after the terrorist attack

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

just because I believe diff. then you do, doesnt mean my view is the "off the wall" or "twisted" one...it just means we disagree

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

dont make a big deal out of it

HE says:

Well, I think as you look around the world and actually find facts of how things work, you're not going to think this country is as bad as you now think it is.

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

the country isnt that bad...and I probably wouldnt leave it for good....I'm saying it's not the greatest though.....and I'm saying I'm not the only one that agrees. There was a poll taken a while back, this last year, over stuff like that and 80% of teens my age believe like I do.

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

I didnt force you to read it....and dont argue about my feelings

HE says:

That is exactly why this bothers me so much. Teens too late in life learn the truth. The educational system in this country is so left leaning that it can hardly stand on it's own, with a radical few trying to run the lives of the majority....and getting it accomplished with the help of the press.

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

the views I have were actually taught to me in history class this last year

HE says:

You can't see that yet, and don't want to. But one of these days you will, and will get just as upset because the next generation is so mislead too.

HE says:

That's what I said.....

HE says:

Even history of the US taught in Australia is skewed.

HE says:

People are too busy rewriting history.

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

I don't care what you think, honestly, I dont. I wrote MY opinions. I was just making conversation. Don't debate my feelings...if you are, just forget my journal

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

dont even read it anymore

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

dont even think about it

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

I take it you didnt read "nimrods"

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

just forget it

HE says:

You're welcome to your point of view, but don't accept blindly what you're fed.

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

I didnt

HE says:


Prinzessin Snaggle says:

they are MY opinions

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

I make up my own mind

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

dont be like this

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

try to understand

HE says:

Well, I'm sorry. I really am.

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

all I'm asking is that you try

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

if you wont, then dont bother commenting

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

I mean that with all sincerity

HE says:

But I've been there, but not as badly as most of the opinions today. Life changes those opinions. And I'm sorry, but if all the corruption was gone from government, things wouldn't look nearly as bad.

HE says:

But I DO have to go now.

Prinzessin Snaggle says:


Prinzessin Snaggle says:

so you're agreeing the govt is corrupt?

HE says:

I'm agreeing that too many politicians are corrupt....not the government itself.

HE says:

But too many politicians and judges are trying to circumvent the Constitution.

HE says:

The judges are trying to MAKE law instead of interpret it.

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

the politicians make up the govt, the politicians are made up of citizens, the citizens make up the US....therefore if the politicians corrupt the govt

HE says:

The politicians are trying to find ways of bringing more money to their districts and their own pockets.

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

then you're saying the people corrupt

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

and thus, America corrupts

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

point proven

Prinzessin Snaggle says:

have a nice day

HE says:


Feel free to tell me what you think or to write an article on this. All I ask is that you hear me out and not snap. Thank you and have a nice day.

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