Beltaine Meditation

The following was taken, but not altered, from
I'm placing it here because I want to keep it.


Beltaine Meditation (Meditation Copyright 2003, Starwind Evensong):

We ask you to stand or sit, as you prefer, for our meditation.

Relax... It is the spring of the year... In every species is the
urge to procreate and continue life... As you walk through the
meadow of soft grass, let your senses be filled with your
connections to the beauty around you... Bend down, and remove your
shoes... Let your feet luxuriate in the soft emerald carpet... As
you walk onward you see a gentle slope before you, and a well trod
path to lead you upon it... As you start to walk the path you
realize that it will carry you upward in an ever diminishing
circular path... a spiral... As you walk, you note the grass and
brush are teeming with life... Birds singing songs of joy... Bees
buzzing to the next wild flower... Butterflies dancing on the
breeze... All manner of insects weave through the grasses, each
heading to unknown destinations, but all a part of the web of
life... As you come to the summit of the tor you find a small grove
of birch... It seems fitting to see the birch branches slowly sway
in the gentle wind... Symbolizing new beginnings and changes yet to
come... The path leads you into the stand of trees... The rustle of
the new leaves whispers in your ears... Suddenly, you come upon a
clearing, ringed by the birch... In the center of the clearing
stands and old, weathered menhir a standing stone... Upon it are
carved symbols you are unfamiliar with, but that seem
to speak to you... You walk toward the stone, and place your hands
upon it... With that touch, tentative at first, but then grasping,
you become one with the earth around you... You feel the strength
of the earth flow into you... Through your fingers, through your
Like a river it runs through your body... It becomes the river of
blood, the river of life... The strength builds in you,
overwhelming in its power... It sings of mysteries unknown... It
tells of those who have gone before... And it speaks of the joining
of the Goddess and the God... Clearly you hear its voice, conveying
the need to join with them... Relating the story of the Lady and
her Lord as they become one... With the joining they bless all life
which grows from every place they touch... Send your strength and
power to this union...
Add your voice to the chorus... Become one with the earth and the
sky above you... Feel those with you reach out, a tentative
And you reach with them... It is Beltaine and the need to lend our
energies to the earth are strong within us... Through this union
life continues... Send your energy out... Feel it connecting with
that of those around you... You offer it to the Lady of the Starry
Night, and her Lord of the Wild Things that their union continues
the cycle of life... Know that we are all a part of the dance...
That we are one with the earth, and that it lives in our hearts...
Slowly, you come back to the space around you.

When you are ready, open your eyes.

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