Interesting Urges

Does anyone else:
-feel the urge to throw stuff out their window at people being loud in the parking lot ...just to see if you can hit them?
-hide the empty toilet paper rolls just to see if the janitor cleans certain areas of the restroom?
-feel the urge to put fake doggy poo in the urinals that are in the GIRLS restrooms in TJ?
-ever want to turn the showers on and wait and see if anyone notices that no one is taking a shower?
-wonder why the only restaurants that take the declining balance are just pizza places?
-want to see this school have a dance where the girls wear the pants and the guys were the dress?

or is this all just me??????

Also, my list of things to do is getting smaller. I like listing it in here so I don't have to worry about finding the post-it notes that I always lose.

Still To Do:
~Make photo copies
~Mail Mom stuff about her GED essay
~Write a sample essay
~Send for UMR transcript
~Visit SLU
~Join Circle K
~Find another club to join
~Zoology Homework that's due next week
~Print notes
~Read for Environmental Science
~Finish reading the Feminine Mystique
~See Kim about KD
~Get an outfit for Snow Ball

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