Lake Ozarks

Ask me about my weekend.
I dare you.
This will sum up my Lake of the Ozarks camping trip, ya ready? Hell's Angels. Sprained Elbow. $75 Ticket.
Got it?

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So we get to Bagnell Dam and we notice that state troopers and cops are crawling all over the place.
No big deal.
Then we notice a bunch of motorcycles.
No big deal.
These guys look rough.
No big deal.
Then I notice it says "Hell's Angels" on their jackets. I'm like "uh said those guys are really mean"
He's like "well they are probably just wannabes"
Wannabes my ass.
We get down to our campground and we see this:

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So I'm thinking "wtf is HAMC?" then we see it...the entry is being guarded and it says "Hell's Angels Only"
Uh...wannabes? Right.

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Can you read it? It says "Hell's Angels USA 2005 "
That's right...HAMC stands for Hells Angels Motorcycle Convention.
Luckily they said we could use the primitive anyway...but do you have any idea how it feels to camp next to hundreds and hundreds of Hell's Angels?
They did a nifty firework display though. Here's 2 of my favorite pictures from that:

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However, they also shot off what appeared and sounded like cannons.

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Enough excitement? No? Good.
So I'm helping my Dad launch the boat and I step on something that I *thought* was dirt on the ramp...but turns out it was a strange moss and I take off sliding down the ramp...into the water...up past my tits.
In the process...I apparently sprained my right elbow, scratched my foot up and definitely got some interesting bruises.
Still not enough excitement though? Good, I have one more story.

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That picture was taken before I got my first ticket.
Yes, as in Police came and gave me a ticket.
You are suppose to stay back so many yards from the dam. It used to be marked with like this wire but it's not anymore. Instead you see a sign saying stay back so many yards but c'mon you dont know where to measure from or have anything to measure with. The sign on the shore says stay behind the yellow line. Easy enough but what yellow line? Then there's 2 signs on shore telling people on shore where not to fish. But where's the damned yellow line? Apparently this little dot of yellow paint on the shore that is unmarked is what they are calling "the line" now you cant see this very well and you dont know that's it. So Dad's fishing and getting closer to the dam like other boats and then a cop yells at us. They dont yell at the other boats because those boats saw him coming and moved slowly without telling us so we didnt know.
The cop fined us $75 each for being past the "line" when we barely were anyway. He said it was "trespassing." So yay, I have trespassing on my damned record now.

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(yes I blurred stuff... so hush, you dont need it)

And for the record the picture...we werent that close to the dam and the only reason we look it...was because the current kept moving us and we kept moving back.

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Damned cops just wanted to make money off the damned dam.
Oh but here, don't leave feeling like I had a bad trip. It was interesting, that's for sure. Even if the fishing was bad, it still was pretty scenery.
Here's a picture I thought was pretty:

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Anyway I gotta go rest now :(

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