A Hoe?

You are a hoe

You are characterized as being used by others, when in fact it is the other way around. You are secretive, especially around those you care most about. Even though you are always one take control of situations, people can sometimes bring down your self esteem. But don't worry. You have the opposite sex to make all of your dreams come true. Just don't be too dependent on your lover... he may be only using you to tend to his crops

Um, right...


[About Me]
x. [Age] 20
x. [Birthday] Jan 21st

x. [Sign] Aquarius
x. [Location] Moberly, MO
x. [Status] Single
x. [Crush] maybe ;)
x. [Natural Hair Color] black/brown

x. [Current Hair Color] dark brown
x. [Eye Color] brown
x. [Height] 5'4"
x. [Shoe size] 9 or 10
x. [Parents] Terry and Carol
x. [Siblings] 2 sisters: Becky and Cassie
x. [Live With] the folks *gags*

1. First Name: Roni

2. Were you named after anyone?: Roni Waile

3. Do you wish on stars? not anymore

4. Which finger is your favorite? the birdie :D

5. When did you last cry? yesterday
6. Do you like your handwriting? not anymore, now it looks boyish
7. What is your favorite lunchmeat? pickleoloaf
8. Any bad habits? too many
9. What's in your CD player right now? Westlife
10. Do you believe in soul mates? nope not anymore
11. Are you a daredevil? sometimes

12. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to? yeah

13. Do looks matter? it shouldnt, but sometimes I cant help but consider the looks
14. Have you ever misused a word and it sounded absolutely stupid? yeppas

15. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? nope
17. Are you trendy? according to Amy, but I disagree
18. How do you release anger? I cry...or bitch
19. Where are your second homes? Kappa Delta... and.... I think I'll claim David's apartment too
20. Do you trust others easily? sometimes
21. What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbie
22. What class in school did you think was totally useless? math... uh, I wish I had listened
23. Do you have a journal? 3 of them
25. Have you been in a mosh pit? hell yeah
26. What do you look for in a girl/guy? honesty, personality, sense of humor, and someone who listens
27. What are your nicknames? gamer girl, kitten, roach, and of course snaggle
28. Would you ever bungee jump? only with someone else
29. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? never
30. Do you think that you are strong? what way? well, against my neice and nephew I am
31. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate chip cookie dough
32. What's your favorite color? Pink
33. What is your least favorite food? Mexican
34. How many wisdom teeth do you have? none but 3 are growing in slowly

35. Are you in love with anyone? No, and thats sad.
36. How many people have a crush on you right now? ouch, I dont wanna know
37. Who do you miss most right now? Steve... I dont know why *shrugs*

38. Do you want everyone who reads this to fill it out too? yes!
39. What are you wearing? pink top and skirt
40. What are you listening to right now? "Dare you to move"
42. What was the last thing you ate? jellybeans

43. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Pink,
44. How is the weather right now? icky
45. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? uh.. Mom
46. What do you have planned for tonight? sleep for once
47. What is your ancestrial heritage? too much crap

48. What would you change your name to? Veronaka

49. Who (that you know) keeps it the most real? Adie
50. Who would you rather have as a body guard, 1 ninja or 3 pirates? both are friggin awesome but... I think I'm going with the pirates

*current hair: pinned up
*current thing you ought to be doing: eatting lunch
*current favorite group: Greenday

*current book: Pledged
*current DVD in player: Now and Then

*Favorite food: greek salad

*drink: wine, pepsi, or of course vodka
*tv show: a tie between 7th Heaven and Gilmore Girls
*movie: Sleepless in Seattle

*what annoys you: dishonesty... and Scott
*what do you want to do: have hot sex. I mean...uh, either engineering or be a vet

*do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? stomach

*if your house was on fire and you could only save one thing, what would you save? pictures
*have you ever said `i love you` and not meant it? yeah.
*who is your favorite sesame street character? it's two... it's bert and ernie :D

*what time did you wake up this morning? 6 am

*Who would you trade places with for a day? Julia Roberts
*from what countries do the best accents come from? Australia & Britain & Scotland
(have you ever been told you look like a celebrity? no
*do you regret any of your past relationships? yes, sometimes
*would you rather live in the mountains or by the ocean? oh..how about mountains by the ocean?

in the last 48 hours, have you:
*cried: yep

*bought something: yep
*gotten sick: yep
*eaten: Yes
*been kissed: yep
*felt stupid: yep
*wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: no
*moved on: yes?
*talked to an ex: yep, damn it
*missed an ex: no!

*had a serious talk: actually, yes

*hugged someone: yep
*fought with your parents: nope
*dreamed about someone you can't be with: yep

social life
*best girl friend: ouch too many
*best guy friend:Steve
*girlfriend/boyfriend? no
*cell phone: no but I steal mom's

*are you center of attention or the wallflower: both depending on my mood
*do you have a job: only if you count babysitting *sighs*

*do you attend church: not much anymore
*do you like being around people: depends on who they are.. usually yes
*what is some of your pet peeves: dishonesty...pink haters...
*have you ever cried over the opposite sex: many, many times

*do you have a "type" of person you always go after: yep but I'm not saying
*ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: yes
*would you rather be dumper or dumped: dumped, I hate hurting ppl

*rather have a relationship or a "hookup": well right now a hookup... but relationships are better
*do you want to get married: dunno
*do you want kids: maybe
*do you believe in psychics: no
*do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: no
*what is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my eyes

*what is your favorite part of your emotional being: I try to make everyone smile
*are you happy with your life: honestly? no


There ya go..now go have fun :)

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