
Someone once asked me if I had to come up with a sex hotline phone number...what it would be. I thought about it a while and realized, I can have fun with my name since it only has 4 letters. So let's see if I can get calls to 1-800-RONI-SEX directed to my phone line. It could be interesting. The scary thought is...who'd call it?

They say but it's more fun in real life...have no fear, I have a solution! I'm going to invent a phone that enables sweat to be shot into your ear every few minutes. Ha, beat that!

Eh, I'm in a weird mood. I was depressed most the night over Nick but then I realized I'll probably never see his cute little, I mean, uh, I probably wont be seeing him again. It's sad, really...but someday he'll miss me. Even if it takes him being deprived from sex a super long time. *smirks*

So right now what I really want...is to take my Goya Pera drink and head outside with finger paints and play in the mud. What? Why do you think I'm strange? This Goya Pera drink is good...what's so odd about that?

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