He Has A Soul?

Well well well...hmmm...

I actually went in the living room, sat down, and said "hi" to dad. We talked. Can you believe it??? Maybe he has a soul afterall...heh. He's not so bad when mom's not around. *shrug*

Anyway, this entry is full of random thoughts...so I'll mark them off with an asterick for you.

* I saw DC, Michael, and Wendy yesterday.

* I am addicted to Aqua Drops.

* Nick made an advice forum. http://adviceforums.cjb.net

* Sarah and I finally ended our friendship for good. Ever notice how many times in this journal we've done this? This time it'll last though.

* I really really need to find a way to Rolla to see the bf.

* I upset Nick yesterday. I cried and cried over it. I think it hurt Warren to hear me so upset.

* I have this really strong urge to email Josh and I don't know why. But I won't...he and I are over...I must find the source of these thoughts and destroy it.

* I really miss Red. We haven't talked in a while. I keep up with his journal but I just want to talk to him, ya know?

* I love Warren. Case closed.

* I had an interesting talk to Adam which ended with him saying that it doesn't matter if I have a bf or not, that in Rolla, guys don't comprehend "taken" or "off limits"...little does he know, *I* will be the one changing that theory. I'm off limits and it will remain that way.

* I wrote a song about Warren. Someday I may share it with you.


Well I must go. I'll post again soon, you know I will.

I love you, Warren.

Oh, and POW says hi.

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