Witch Hunters

This is now not only a journal, but a shopping list. In other words, every time I write it down, I lose it...so if I put it here, I can have it.

Here's what I have left to buy:

Witch Hunters Codex

Neopet Booster Card Packs

Witch Hunters

Game Color Paints needed:
blood red
chaos black
hawk turquoise
shining gold
bleached bone
skull white
dark angel green


So, I searched Wal-Mart over and over and over and never found the primer in the arts and crafts. That's because at our Wal-Mart it's in the regular paint section...and it's COLOR Place, not Home Place, but that's ok.

I didn't find a Sable paint brush...but I did find some that I think are close enough to work.

I have to go put the primer on now...I have to paint: my druid, 2 battle sisters, sister superior, pegasus, and a unicorn. But, I can't do most of them until I get the rest of those paint colors listed above.

I'm contemplating getting a creamy flesh color for the unicorn's body...but I dunno.


You know, at one time the very LAST thing I'd ever want is to have a gamer as a child...now I secretly pray that it IS a gamer.

I think it would be good for it and I think it would enjoy it.

Heck, I'm becoming a gamer.

Damn...LOL. I'm a geek now :P

But as once said, Geeks Rule the World.


I'm going to Valhalla's Gate later this month to buy my codex but I'm going to wait and get my paint at the Quincy Hobby Shop. Why? Just cause I want to.

By this summer I plan on having my Witch Hunters army complete and painted and ready for a tourny. I got some gamers in Quincy who need a good arse kicking at Warhammer 40k and I think being a chic should make it much more interesting :D


I saw some of the gamers I went to high school with walking around town. I've contemplating calling them.

BUT, I've thought about how the "Josh"s liked me...there was a group of guys named Josh and most of them liked me and if they found out I was single...well, they'd drive me NUTS. Josh J. would probably be the worst :P




I may not have to be anymore.

He wants to date me...

he says he's sorry about the eloping thing.

Actually...why don't I just post his email in here?

Here it is:



I know i havent talked to you in a few days and i hope your doing ok. i'm sorry about the eloping thing. was it too soon to ask? i'm sorry i made you think i wanted to just to get the baby and to make josh mad. i do hate Josh though. he's stupid to not want you. i do want a baby with you and i wish you were pregnant with mine. i want a daughter. i've seen how boys are and i dont want one. if it's a little girl and you needed to, you could give it my last name. i know this is going to sound mean, but i wish youd cut josh off and replace him with me. im not the babys daddy but i could try. youve changed so much lately. i forgot what ever went wrong with us. i think about you still. i still have every letter and picture of you. your not as moody now and youve grown up more. youve made decisons for you and not anyone else and youve started to do things for yourself. im proud of you. ive watched you go through hell the last few years and i knew you could make it. you know you can always come back to me. open house, your always welcome. sorry i freaked over the puking thing.but now your morning sicknes is almost over so itll be ok. please give up on josh. hes not worth it and never will want you back because hes stupid but you can have me. i want you back. i can be all the things josh never will be. i dont like you acting like a computer geek or whatever a gamer is. is that really what makes you happy? i dont think so. please, consider it. plesae?



First off, "acting" like a computer geek? I AM a geek. I like this. I am beginning to really like gaming.

I don't know if I'd want you back.

I don't think I do though.

You're not the one, Corey.

You're not.

I'd NEVER let you replace Josh.

You CANT. It's not YOUR baby. It's his. HIS. Not yours. So stop it. I dont think you're really serious. I think this is still a jealousy issue. So stop it. We'll talk later, ok?


yeah yeah, so I'm going to STAY single forever. Big whoopin deal. There's nothing wrong with it. There can be me, the baby, Socks, and the cats...it'd be fun. We'd be happy.

You know, once I thought Josh was nuts for wanting a gaming room...now I think it's a good idea. I want a gaming room! Heck...LOL.

I gotta go...I really should start putting that primer on.

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