Don't Die, Flooble

I got an email saying my flooble would soon be deleted if it didnt get a post. Well, unfortunately, I can't find a good place on my site to put here it is for now. Because, it deserves a chance to live.


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Anyway, I made a public confession before God and my church today. Ahh, I feel better.

Oh, my neck is getting better.

Although, waking up to puke at 5:30 with a sore neck is NOT fun.

I also have been moving more today. I figure if I move now, tomorrow it won't be as bad when I have classes. I ate Chinese. I have this major thing for it fries...chocolate milk...and tomatoes...*shrug* My fortune said this: "Every truly great accomplishment is at first impossible"...I felt like that today when I confessed before my church. There wasn't a dry eye in the place. I got sob stories that I never would have suspected. Even the men cried. It just was...great. There was one person that was very disappointed to the point of not wanting to talk to me, though. Maxine. You know, Corey's grandma. I can see it now..."I told you that girl is trouble"...heh. Wait till she hears how Corey and I are doing together...hehe. I can't decide what to do about Corey. I'm glad I'm single in a way because this is too much for now...yet at the same time...I dunno. I'll figure it out someday. Oh, I bought myself some stuff today to cheer me up. Yep...I got some new eyeliner, eyeshadow, and flavored lip gloss called "Kissing Potion" and let me tell you...I'd kiss anyone whose lips tasted like this...yum. I bought some earrings. Mainly so they could match my cartilage earring. I bought this necklace with a big "R". Yay, I won't forget what letter my name starts with :P Oh, and I bought some more paper for my scrapbook and baby stickers for it. I'm going to try to catch it up this week. Of course, I still have pictures to develop. I also bought a c.d. It's not the first choice of what I was going to buy...but it was my 2nd choice. I bought the "No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls" CD by Simple Plan. It r0><0rz! It deserves a double w00t! -------------------- Well, my neck is super sore and I need to rest. Hope ya'll talk to me soon.

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