Who Am I?

Know how I'm a sucker for quizzes and surveys? Here's my results from today:

Who You Are

You're adored, and for good reasons

You bring real passion to life. You're a woman of great integrity who'll stand up and fight for causes she believes in. You have a vision for the future and always are searching to find love and a sense of "balance" in your life. You refuse to settle long-term for a boring job or doing something just because it's expected of you. You have lots of friends and really appreciate the people in your life. You put the ones you love ahead of everything else. In fact, sometimes you can put them ahead of your own needs. You're overdue to bring real romance into your life and are ready to experience a powerful "spark" with someone special.

What's dating all about to you?

Falling in love is a spiritual experience for you. A truly loving relationship helps bring meaning to your life. You try hard to make your date feel comfortable and have a good time. You're good at anticipating what other people need and giving it to them. But inside, you're usually on an emotional roller coaster. You don't want to reject nice men, but also take it very personally if you're the one rejected.

Although your compassion for men is a very attractive quality, your focus on him can get in the way of getting what you want and need. It's crucial to find a way to "go with the flow" in dating as you already do in other parts of your life.

How unique is your type?

Your personality profile is similar to a number of women your age. Looking at over 10,000 women who have taken the test, about 10% (or 1 in 10 women) have very similar beliefs, values, and habits. Of course, the way these qualities are expressed in you is what makes you so unique.

Quirks men notice

Like all women, you have your strengths as well as your quirks and shortcomings. Ultimately, you want to find someone who will love and accept you "warts and all." Though you have lots of friends, it's important to have at least one person in your life who understands.

You have a pretty even-tempered personality and may not have any especially annoying or quirky habits. Of course, seeming to be "perfect" could be seen as a flaw by some, in which case you may just want to pretend to have a bad habit!

Do men like your type?

Notice that 40% of men are generally attracted to your personality type. 9% say they are VERY attracted. With the millions of people on Match.com, that translates into lots of potential matches.

Who You're Looking For

He'll be an enigma

You're looking for a very balanced man. He'll have clear goals in life and dreams he hopes to pursue. He's not always the most practical or realistic thinker, but his passion and excitement about his ideas are contagious. He also manages to balance a clear rational side with a more compassionate and caring side. He manages to enjoy one-on-one times as well as getting together with his larger network of friends. He'll constantly be juggling things in his life but will still find a place for you. Sound too good to be true? Men who are truly balanced like this are rare, but they do exist and would be an excellent fit for you.

You don't expect your partner to be in a good mood all the time. You understand that sometimes your partner will be down, get pessimistic or worry too much. These days are balanced by the many good days the two of you will share. In fact, you share a number of positive qualities, including:

No strong similarities were detected, which suggests that you may be more attracted to certain "opposite qualities." Please read the next sections to see if you may be seeking someone with different or opposite qualities to balance your own habits and style.

Number of men your type

Men with the exact type of personality you prefer are rare gems. Looking at over 10,000 men who have taken this test, only 12% (or 1 in 8 men) have the exact combination of similarities and contrasts in personality you find extremely appealing.

However, there's a larger group, 36% (or 1 in 3 men), who have most, but not all, of the qualities and habits you like. These subgroups are charted below.

Approximately two-fifths of the men have at least some of the traits you find attractive.

But you'd have a negative reaction to 5% (or 1 in 20 men), who have some or many of the characteristics you clearly dislike.

Finding someone like you

You want to share your life with someone who has the same values, goals, and style you have. Research has shown that couples who have more in common tend to stay together longer. The qualities you find attractive (and unattractive) in men suggest you would certainly be happier with a man who's more like you.

No very strong opposites were detected, which suggests that you are most attracted to men who are very similar to you. This is good news since similar couples tend to stay together longer.

Quirks you can tolerate

The truth is that everyone is potentially "high maintenance." We all have our quirks and shortcomings. The key to long-term harmony is finding a man who can tolerate (or maybe even enjoy) your "quirks," or the little personal oddities that make you unique. You seem okay with several common quirks that might come along with your "ideal" man:

You described a pretty balanced person as most attractive to you, so no strong quirks were noted. Watch out for quirks during dating, since they may indicate a strong quality that is hidden at first.

Downside of your "ideal"

In addition to his quirks, your "ideal" personality type may have other qualities that are more frustrating or challenging to deal with. Under stress, his quirks can become serious "flaws." But remember, these quirks are the "flip side of the coin," or the extreme end of qualities you otherwise find appealing. So, be prepared if:

Because you're most attracted to men with balanced personalities, no troubling differences were noted. Nevertheless, remember that too much similarity can lead to conflict as well, especially when problems call for very different perspectives or actions.

Deal breakers

You seem ready to adapt to the good and frustrating qualities of the men you're looking for, but there are types of men you clearly do NOT like. Men's habits and attitudes you'd have a hard time putting up with include:

Men who rarely open up completely and share their true feelings about the issues and events in your lives.


Romantic sex

Good sex is important to you, but it's only one of many ways you connect emotionally with your partner. Whether it's sexual or simply an affectionate touch, you give and receive pleasure easily.

Among women your age, your particular combination of sexual drive and interests is similar to about 1 in 10 women (10%).

Is he sexually compatible?

You're looking for someone just like you, who values the quality of sex over the quantity. You want someone who would never pressure you about sex.

What's ahead for you sexually?

A good sexual match plays a key role in your "ideal" relationship. If you can bring your natural creativity and imagination to the bedroom, your sex life will never be boring. Unlike most men (and many women), you know what it's like to connect emotionally with someone and truly make love. This is a blessing and a curse. It sets a high standard for your sex life. If things are off in your relationship, you'll probably worry too much and read a lot into the situation. Your challenge is to keep your fears in check and share your feelings and insights with your partner. If he truly shares your hunger for passion and romance, amazing things are possible, even if he's not perfect.

Attraction Science

What is personality?

Personality is the set of traits and characteristics that make each of us unique yet relatively stable and consistent over time.

- People see and interpret the world differently.

- They want different things.

- They make decisions differently.

- They get excited and energized by different situations.

- They structure their careers, social life, and private time in different ways.

What does personality have to do with attraction?

The way in which people are similar or different in personality strongly affects their attraction to one another. Two people with similar values are more likely to become (and stay) friends or a couple, indeed part of compatibility is having "common ground." However, for many people, compatibility may also involve a balance between each other's quirks and differences.

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