Man, Man, Man

MAN, MAN, MAN...bitchin Josh out just doesn't have a thrill anymore. I feel like an old married couple. To top it off, I CANT bitch him out! It turns into a mood swing and then a sweet "I love you" thing. *shrug* Don't ask.

Jacob at the skate park really ticks me off. Here he is acting like he's the stud and having his tatoo across his stomach that reads "ARE YOU EXPERIENCED?" and I'm thinking "who wants to experience your beer belly?"...hehe. He thinks he's all cool b/c if he skates with a guy a couple times, he adds him to his list. That's right. THE LIST. The contact list on his cell phone. Who gives a frickety about his list? Isn't it mostly guys on that list? WAIT...maybe he's sorta know....not funny, but..funny? GAY! Ok? Or bi. Actually, I've listened into his convos and I think he's a wannabe playa who just loves sex. Oh well, he just plain freaks me.

Sarah's siblings totally get on my nerves sometimes and I feel so bad. I'm thinking if I can't handle THEM or my neice and nephew that live with me, how the hell am I going to be a good mom? Maybe it's just I see all those kids all the time. I don't know. But me + baby = AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (for me and the kid!)

Sarah seems to get mad about things more easily lately. I think the whole college thing is getting to her, plus the fact all her friends have a boyfriend and she doesn't. I wish I could cheer her up. I feel crappy that I can't.

I really had misjudged Travis the first time I met him. I really think he's a great guy now. So, don't tell him, but it's ok with me if he does wear the linex penguin tie to my wedding...and heck, I hope he's the best man.

WHOA! Wedding? I'm planning my wedding? WOW! SLOW DOWN, RONI! You still have to survive the distance issue in college with Josh.

Josh, yeah he's great. He listens. He cares. He lets me bitch at him. He tells me the truth (now anyway...hehe). He ...he...he's just dandy. Dandy..yeah...sure...dandy like candy. Ain't I just frickety? LOL. Me and my words. I do like "frickety" though. So much, that I now just added another meaning to it. Now it can be negative such as "frickety fuck" or it can be positive such as "Ain't I just frickety?". YAY! New vocab! GO ME!

I think my self esteem is improving. I even have this new look. Of course, I'm waiting for college to fully try it...and it may take some time...but I love it. It's sorta a vintage mixed with hippy mixed with Roni look. I love it! :D

Also, I bought a card game the other day at Good Will b/c I like going to that store and miscellaneous stuff (like I got a whole dishes set for like $5 and it looks great and is complete and I love it). Anyway, it's called "Josh", that is, the card game is. I think the goal is to be the first player to spell "JOSH"...however, there's no directions! AHHH! I'll have to eventually set down and make my own.

Speaking of games, I so hope Josh finds out about "Hi Jack" for me.

Anyway, in conclusion...I ROCK! Hehehehehe. No, but really, I'm in a strange mood. And I also want to say this "My Space Wolves and Sisters of Battle are going to kick ass! Josh, your wimpy army is going down!" Also, my Grey Knight theory soooo rocks!

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