WAR (Part 2)

I never added this the other night. I decided to post my April editorial in here since it was about war. Here it is as part 2:

War. Just the thought of it sends mixed emotions, thoughts, and anxieties through most of us. Throughout most of generation Y�s lifetime has not learned much of wartime. The great world wars are taught in history classes, but Vietnam is just now being put into textbooks for schools. Generation Y is often referred to as the �echo-boomers� because they are the children of the �baby boomers�. Several of the �baby boomers� grew up and fought in Desert Storm. Yet, their children are not taught about it at school. War seemed distant and something that would never happen to the United States again. It would never affect Generation Y.

Then the horrid events of September 11, 2001 made terrorism real to many US teens. The United States no longer seemed �untouchable�. Hate, terrorism, and war now seemed real. It was something that now could happen.

Osama Bin Laden had been around for years and Afghanistan has often experienced �difficulties� with terrorists, yet US teens failed to ever notice because it didn�t directly affect them. Saddam Hussein, like Bin Laden, has been dictating and terrorizing for years. American leaders have always kept an eye on worldly events and specifically on terrorists. However, teens did not know of it. Even after 9/11, many US teens did not actually learn about Afghanistan or other Middle East countries. Instead, they jumped to conclusion or just believed what they heard. Now, since war has started against Iraq, many students still do not know what it is all about.

Many have heard the fictitious rumors of why we are at war, yet they do not take the time to discover the real reasons. Regardless of what �human shields� or other �anti-war� organizations may argue, the United States does have justifiable reasons for war and it�s time for teens to know just what this war is really about.

We (the United States) are not at war because of oil. Yes, Iraq and other Middle East countries do supply much of our oil; however, we are in good enough standings with our supply that we will not run out for decades.

The war is not about religion. Yes, Iraq is an Islamic nation, however, considering the US does emphasis religious freedom, it�s highly doubtful that they�d attack because of a religious preference. After all, Islam is a quickly growing religion in the US today.

This is not about revenge on a man that allegedly plotted to murder President Bush�s father. Yes, supposedly Hussein wanted to assassinate the first George Bush, but, he failed. Why kill people over an attempted and failed murder? That�s unethical and simply not the case.

The war is not about gaining territory. If it were, after Desert Storm, we would have already taken it. We have, in fact, had plenty of opportunities to do so.

Since the war is not about oil, religion, revenge, or gaining territory, then, what is this war about? It is about liberation. United States citizens have liberty. We are a free country, a democracy. We don�t have a dictator. Why not let others who want freedom, have it? This is about freedom for the Iraqi people.

This is about ending terrorism. It�s true you could argue that by bombing Iraq, we too are committing a form of terrorism. However, the U.S. gave warnings. Plus, our militia performs �surgical attacks�. They attack only specific locations to hit Hussein and his regime. Occasionally civilians may be killed, however, by no means is that the plan. The tactics our military uses is distinctly different from that of Iraq. The U.S. tries to keep the civilian �body count� down. True terrorism, such as that of the Taliban or Al-Quida, does not care whom they kill as long as they do. They want everyone to fear them. They want the terrorism to affect everyone. Why? Because fear leads to power. When you�re scared of someone or the possible repercussions, you�ll listen to them. They then gain the power to control you.

This war is about a horrible dictator, Saddam Hussein, and his regime, which need to be stopped NOW. We can�t let him terrorize everyone. He does not deserve that power. Humans deserve the right to be free.

War has begun. There is nothing we, as U.S. citizens, can do now to stop it. Just let it run its course. Is it un-patriotic to be anti-war? No. You can love your country and still disagree with certain aspects. Is it un-American? Not in the least. As an American YOU have the right to decide if you are anti- or pro- war. If you wanted to, you could announce that you hate President Bush and it�s your right to express that. However, if you ever dreamed of saying you hated Saddam Hussein and you were in Iraq, you would be killed for treason. That is one reason why the Iraqis need freedom. They deserve to be able to think for themselves and say how they feel without the fear of being killed. Let them have liberty.

Whether you are for or against the war, keep in mind that it is your right as a U.S. citizen to have your own opinion. Just have a reason for why you feel as you do. Know the facts first. It is time for U.S. teens to understand the world around them. It�s time for teens to care about what happens to other nations and not just care about themselves. It�s time for you to learn about the war.

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