Family Affair


Yesterday was great. It was sooooo great to get to spend so much time with you. I'm glad I got the chance.

I'm glad I gave your church a chance and really hope I can go again soon. I couldn't tell a diff between the GARBC and were right. I really felt right at home there. Everyone was so friendly.

I'm glad I got time to spend with your family. I really like them. Your Mom is the sweetest lady and your Dad is really great, too. Michael is more and more like you every day. Little Philip, could he be cuter? I enjoyed the fishing trip. Most of all, I just enjoyed being with you.

I'm sorry about the so-called "spat" in your room. It shouldn't happen again. I never meant for you to take it like you did, it's just I was sorta upset about what you said. I'm sorry and I know you are, too. I hope you stop worrying about me dumping you because I swear to you it will NEVER happen. You are right though, the fact that we both are afraid of losing each other does make it perfect. Otherwise, we might end up being real asses to each other.

I wish we could get more alone time. I can't believe EVERYWHERE we went to be alone, another vehicle would pull in behind us. It sucked! I have to admit though, it was soooo funny how you responded with the "UHHH...JUST MY LUCK!" looked so cute.

I can't wait to be with you again. I miss you and think of you all the time.

Oh, Mom told me Dad was talking about your family and church. Guess what? Mr. Hardcore-Never-likes-anyone-or-anything actually likes you and your family! He said how they were super nice and how they seemed like great people. He also commented on how well-behaved Michael and Philip are. He approves of you a WHOLE lot more now. Yay. OH, and I can spend the ENTIRE weekend over Easter. :D

I love you, Josh. I miss you and I want to be with you. I want to be with you forever. Actually, even eternity wouldn't be enough. You're what I want. You're who I want. You're all I want.

I want you.

I need you.

I love you.