
There�s so much on my mind.

Skeletal muscle is composed of skeletal muscle tissue, nervous tissue, blood & connective tissue.

Today was a good day.

A muscle fiber usually has a single motor end plate; motor nerve fibers, however, are densely branches.

I think.

One motor fiber may connect to many muscle fibers.

I don�t know anymore.

When a motor nerve fiber transmits an impulse, all of the muscle fibers connected to it are stimulated to contract simultaneously.

I�ve been corrupted.

Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction � the head of the myosin cross-bridge can attach to an actin binding site & bend slightly, pulling the actin filament w/ it.

I get to go to Quincy on Saturday.

� the head releases, straightens & can combine w/ another site farther down the actin filament.

I want to be with Josh.

- globular portions of myosin filaments contain the enzyme ATPase (catalyzes the breakdown of ATP to ADP & phosphate; releases energy) which provides the force w/ which the cross-bridge pull.

I love Josh.

�ATP is also necessary for dissociation of myosin cross-bridge from actin binding site- the cycle repeats again & again, & as actin filaments are pulled toward the center of the Sarcomere, the Sarcomere shortens

Are you tired of seeing Human Anatomy?

Me too.

I need to go finish my notes for that class.

Don�t you fret�I�ve got another entry�.as in a good one�.I just have to sit down and type it.

Oh, the topics�.LOVE and CORRUPTION.




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