
I�m scared.

He knows too much.

I�m in too deep.

I don�t want out.

I don�t want to let go.

I want to cling to every moment with him.

I want to feel his breath.

I�d do anything to make him happy.

When he�s happy, I�m happy.

I just want to feel him close.

He knows me.

He really knows me.

He knows my faults, yet he�s not gone.

How can he stick with me?

How can this be true?

Pinch me,
Wake me,
Is he true?

He was telling me what he knows about me. He knows the weaknesses I try to hide. He knows my fears. He knows my deep thoughts. How? How can it be? I let him in my world�he�s a part of me.

He�s right�we were going fast. I�m glad he wants to slow down. A good guy, at last.

I want to fall in love with him. Don�t let it go towards lust. Let me fall for him.

I�m fighting it with all I have. I�m scared to fall. To fall for him.

He�s everything I�d want.
More than I could ask for.
He�s my wish.
He�s my desire.
He�s great for me.

How did I get so lucky? I mean, am I worthy?

Daddy still yells at me. He still puts me down. I still cry. It�s hard not to when your Dad insults everything about you. Yet, it�s alright. I think of how Josh says he�s a �yerk� (I�ll never understand why he says �yerk� instead of �jerk��*shrug*). He tells me not to listen to him.

I heed his words. The things Josh says. I hide them in my spirit�I make them part of who I am.

He�s helped me not to worry. He�s helped me not to care. He�s helped me to learn my biggest fault, and twist it around to make it almost disappear.

He�s more than I could ask for.

He�s my every dream.

I want to keep him.

I want him to stay.

Is it love? No it�s too soon�it can�t be. I think I�m falling though. I can�t seem to find the ground. He�s all that matters�he�s all the reason to care.

I can�t keep fighting these feelings.

I�m scared of letting him in, yet he�s already here.

I�m defenseless.

I just want him.

He�s all I want.

Please God,
Let it all be true.