Spare Them

Why is it that everyone feels they must tell me information that I will NEVER need to know? It's been like that ALL friggin' day. Everyone is telling me things. Even my dentist, while working on my teeth, told me how he fell on his ass yesterday while duck hunting. Sheesh, couldn't I have went on withOUT knowing that?

My parents are fighting again. Dad thinks Mom wants a divorce. Isn't that lovely? you know in all honesty...I can't see it happening. Mom wouldnt have anyone to complain about...and Dad wouldnt have anyone to knock him and anger him. Let's face it...throughout the years, I've always been told that Mom was the good one and Dad was the mean one. You know what, NO. It's never been that way. Mom has always been the cranky one. She's always been selfish. It's not right. She starts most the arguments. She makes Dad mad on purpose. You know, I think she actually hates me because I remind her of him. OH, well....I'm sorry. Sheesh, go bug one of sisters. Lord knows they mean more to you because they aren't Dad's. Yeah, they're the other guys. The past husband. Oh yeah, let's not forget that. They're the favorites. Guess what, mom? I have a favorite too. Yes, I do. And it's Dad. Not YOU. You know, you always tell me to write Dad and tell him the "truth"...well it's YOU who needs to be written to. Yeah, YOU, MOM. NOT Dad. But no, then I'd be in real trouble for not saying you're the best, or the nice one, or the good one, or always right. No, I'm wait, I'm not even sorry. Don't you get it? I stay here because of Daddy...not you. I want to get away from YOU. Stop it! Just, Stop it. Mommy, can't you tell that I know you don't love me? Maybe it's a sense or something, but sheesh, stop the bull. Please? If not for me...if not for it for your Grandkids. Don't raise them to think like I do. Please...spare them.

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