
the dentist went better than expected...

Anyway, I'm still numb but I've had this song in my head all day...so let's sing (feel free to join in):

OOOOHHHHHHH...I wish I was in the land of cotton...old times there are not forgotten..look away, look away...look away..dixieland...in dixieland where I was born....early on that country morn..look away...look away..look away...dixie land....oh I wish I were in dixie, hurrah, hurrah..in dixieland I'll take my stand to live and die in dixie....look away, look away, away down south in dixie...look away, look away..away down south.....in dixie


STOP THROWING PAPER AT ME! I happen to have that song stuck in my head. Hey, I just thought of something funny. Picture a butterfly singing it! ....er....um...nevermind.

By the way...why is it every guy likes me EXCEPT the one I like? Heh, that just isn't fair...

oh well...

OH I wish I was in the land of cotton....

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