New Me

A day like this.

That is all that matters.

A day like today.

Equal pain, equal joy...equal failure, equal achievement.....A day like this

School was good overall, I think.

First hour, we watched some of this AWESOME movie.
Second hour, I was very shy and didn't, I'm returning to my old shy self
Third hour, yearbook. We got in trouble for hanging up posters without having them approved. Heh, WE ROCK!
Fourth hour...I um, typed and was the first done. YAY!
Fifth hour...uh, what do I have? oh..oh yeah..I have Human Anatomy. I had a test....yeah, I was the last one done out of the three of us. I think I did good though.
Lunch..uh...Corey and I talked about nothing., that was productive...
Sixth hour, chemistry. I didn't cause a fire:), however..I did suck with making silver and gold pennies. heh, Aaron? uh, help? haha
Homeroom..uh...I pretended to read, but I really just was writing a song in my head
Seventh fav of the day. Journalism! Yeah, I just like having my own desk and office..haha. Nah, it's awesome. I love journalism. Hell, I just love writing.

Basically, school was good.

I picked up Samantha from Kindergarten and saw this older woman and I knew I knew her. Anyway, so I catch her. She was my first grade teacher. She didnt remember me at first, but man, I remember her. It was awesome talking to her again. She was really cool. Anyway, she was saying how I was so shy and she thinks I've came out of my shell. I dont know about that. Up until this year, I was still pretty shy. Maybe I have "senioritis" and just need to get out of school. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm not that shy anymore. Maybe this is a new me.

A new me?


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