
simescl: hi butts

that is how my UK friend greeted me. I have been called many things..but never "butts".....lol. Well, why did he say that? Simple, that was on yahoo. The only email address he knows for me is my yahoo one which is buttons_chic85. He called me "butts" instead of "buttons". Either way, yuck! Ok, I am not a butt. I don't look like an ass, well, I dont think I do anyway. Second off, "buttons" is Corey. Third, "buttons chic" was my OLD nickname. I am not his chic anymore. I'm not his girlfriend. As a matter of fact, I'm barely Corey's friend! Simon, it's ok this ONCE that you called me "butts", but never do it again. OK?

While I'm on here, I think I'll answer some of the many LAME questions I've been asked lately. Ok, they are not ALL lame, but most of them are. Here goes:

Roni, how's it going with you and Kolin? --How's what going? There is NOTHING between us. There is no "us".

How's Jeremy? --I don't know, I haven't talked to him in a long time. Ask him yourself.

How's Corey?--He's alive. I know that much.

Did you know ALL European guys only date you for sex? --oh, really? and Americans don't? ok, first off...don't sterotype. Yes,some guys only want sex, but not all guys. Secondly, I've dated foreign guys, and I'm still a virgin. Marc was from Spain. Per was from Sweden. Duh! and not to mention, the 2 Germans I dated. Sheesh.

How did Jacob die? --Ah, Jacob Schafer was drunk and in a Jeep with three other drunk guys. They were goofing off and went off the road. The went THROUGH a utility pole and kept going until they hit a building. Jacob and one other died. The other 2 were just a little banged up.

How did you know Jacob? --simple, he was friends with Josh. I was good friends with Josh when I went to Madison.

How do you feel about losing Tiffany and Jacob? --gee, let's have a party *rolls eyes*...it really hurts. It sucks bad. It's scary. Two young people I knew just died recently in wrecks. It is really sad. I'm in a state of mourning.

Have you talked to Sarah lately? --NO, thankfully. However, she still emails me. Hello! I'm NOT her friend anymore.

Isn't John moving back? --Yes. He's on his way RIGHT NOW.

How do you feel about that? --I'm happy. John's a great guy. I look forward to seeing him again.

How do you feel about D.C. leaving? --It sucks. I'll miss him. He's a great guy. I've known him since 7th grade. I'm sad he's leaving, but I wish him the best of luck in years to come.

When is Jake coming back? --I don't know. Ask him. Email him and ask.

Still a good girl, Roni Ann? --Of course I am. I'm angelic. :)


Those were all of the questions I had for now. Hope they tell you something and fulfill their purpose.


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