according to a big big quiz

About Me (apparently)

Personality type:

Rocks are neither hard-headed nor easily tossed about. They`re known for being extremely emotionally controlled and highly dependable - through rain, snow and avalanches, this type will be there when needed. Although they are generally agreeable people, their unshakeable and stoic nature may be misinterpreted by others as aloofness or indifference. They really just don`t let things get to them. Rocks are not the type to give up easily, as they constantly strive to be the best they can be, stopping at nothing until a goal or dream has been achieved. They are steadfast and hard-working individuals who refuse to be weathered down by difficult people and circumstances.
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Romantic type:

Thumpthump, thumpthump ... the Dreamboat`s presence likely causes quite a few hearts to beat a little bit faster. This healthy relationship style is characterized by all the things little boys and girls dream about when they are growing up � Dreamboats are passionate, romantic, and true-blue faithful. They can be counted upon to provide love and support, without becoming clingy and overwhelming their partners. This type is not afraid to express the inner recesses of their feelings, both carnally and romantically.
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Communication type:

Peacemakers are lovers, not fighters. They are open individuals � ask and they will answer, speak and they will listen. People who fall into this category are very emotionally expressive and quite comfortable talking about their feelings. Although they try to avoid confrontation at all costs, should a conflict be inevitable, they are very skilled at resolving problems and disagreements. In addition, Peacemakers are very amicable and respectful of what others have to say, so most conflicts that do arise are easily mitigated by their pleasant demeanor.
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Values & Attitudes type:
People Pleaser

People Pleasers value their relationships above all else. They want to aid and guide others, and are motivated by their desire to make the world a better place. They allocate much of their time, talent, and energy to other people to help them solve their problems. Their liberal attitudes about the world mean that they are accepting of many viewpoints, making them feel strongly about social justice and self-determination. However, they have to be careful that they don`t allow other people`s problems to take precedence over their own or those of their partner.

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