10 Messages

Stolen from Susie

1. List ten things you want to say to ten people (they don't have to be different people if you've got a lot to say).
2. Do not state who these people are.
3. Do not confirm or deny any 'comment speculation'.


1. I thought of you like a sister. I thought we'd become the bestest of friends ever. I'm so sorry that it fell threw and maybe someday you'll know how much I do care about you.

2. I will probably never forgive you for what you did to me. You knew he was my man and you moved in on him. I will never forget the way you manipulated the situation. I hope you're miserable with him, really, I do.

3. I used to hate you so much but now I realize that it was for the better. If it weren't for you, I'd have never gotten into computers and went to UMR. I would have never met James or had some of the best experiences of my life. So I still may hate you, but I want to thank you.

4. You are such a lying bitch. You manpulate everyone and moved in on him when you knew he was mine. I'll never forget how you lied to me and stabbed me in the back. Our friendship is SO over.

5. Would you just get over me? Your obsession is NOT healthy and to be quite frank, you're freaking me out. It'd never happen between you and I. NEVER EVER EVER. Get over it.

6. You need to learn to let the past die. You're a manipulative, whiny brat. You make yourself the victim for everything and I totally feel sorry for everyone that tries to befriend you.

7. I considered you my best friend. It hurt so much when you moved way to the point that I could never talk to you much. I miss you.

8. You're the best person I know. You inspire me in so many ways and I can't get enough of you. I love you.

9. I hope you have a good life. I've heard rumors of how your life is now and I hope you're doing fine. I love you like a sister loves a brother. Good luck with everything.

10. I wish you knew how much your opinion means to me. I know it shouldn't, but it truly does. I wish we could fix our friendship.


Your turn. But *whew* I feel better :)

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