Life is Baseball

Life is a lot like never know what kind of ball is going to be pitched.
Ok, so I just didn't want to say "like a box of chocolates" :P

Anyway, I have a million things I could write about ...but I just don't feel like everyone that reads this would like to know.

The next part of this entry may not make much sense...but that's ok. I just want to type down some thoughts in my head:

*One of the places I applied at said they lost my application. I can't decide if I want to turn another one in or not. A part of me says "do it because you know they'll hire you" another part says "but they didnt care enough the first time not to lose your application"
I'm getting discouraged on this job hunt. It seems the only places around here to work are boring factories or fast food. Now don't get me wrong...they are honest livings...just, I'm apparently becoming prissy in my working options, somehow.
*I have new shoes. The pair Mom insisted I have...I havent worn. Oh well, add them to the fishing shoe pile with my shirt that reads "Does this shirt make my bass look big" :)
*My blood work from the cardiologist is due back today. I'm nervous about getting the results since my potassium has been so fscked lately.
*I have decided on all 4 bridesmaids and I'm ecstatic :) Becky, Cassie, Sarah, and Hillary = a great combo!
*I need to totally clean my 2 bedrooms...but I know I'll be packing it all again soon so ugh
*I keep missing the calls from the prosecuting attorney. UGH. It's like phone tag.
*I'm having a deity crisis.
*I wish my monthly would hurry up and come (and yes, I know...none of you needed to know that)
*I'm having lower back cramps.
*I'm having friend issues. I had to ditch some of my friends from back home (ie here).
...I'm done whining now.
I swear I think my journal gets whinier by the day.

So let's end it on a fun note, shall we? This is a really short one I found.

-Name: Roni
-Age: 21
-Relationship Status: Engaged
-Main interests: journaling, scrapbooking, zoos, hiking, feminism, jellyfish, traveling, animal science, camping, wildlife conservation, programming, ducks, cats, massages, caving, botany, environmental science, learning to ballroom dance, warhammer40k, mollusca, congenital heart diseases, etc...
-Favorite music: Bowling for Soup, Taking Back Sunday, Simple Plan, Weezer, Plus One, etc...
-Favorite books: The Feminine Mystique, Life So Far, The Confessions of an American Black Widow Bride, Tao Teh Ching, Siddhartha, A Midsummer's Night Dream, Kissed By An Angel, Cut, etc
-Favorite movies: Sleepless in Seattle, Never Been Kissed, LOTR, Star Wars, Legally Blonde, War of the Worlds, Now and Then, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Madagascar, V for Vendetta

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