What Am I?

What am I?

I'm not a greek anymore.
Bri came by and we officially took care of my pin and paperwork.
Goodbye sorority.
I can't decide if I miss you.

I'm not really a dormie.
The girls on my floor refer to me as "that girl that left KD".
I don't know many nongreeks.


But I am me.
I'm Roni Ann.
I'm the girl who skips classes.
I'm the girl transferring to SLU.
I'm the girl who plays a tauren shaman named Jarica on WoW.
I'm a daughter.
I'm a sister.
I'm an aunt.
I'm someone's friend.
I'm James' girlfriend.
I am me.


Still it feels weird.

I hung out with Porcia and John more tonight. I also had some fun with a nerf gun (don't ask)
I actually ate donuts tonight (for those that don't know, this is rare)
I actually let James go to bed early....WITHOUT ME :)
I am now unaddicted to WoW.
I'm slowly drinking less caffeine.
I have stacks of homework that should be done but won't be.
I have a spring break camping trip to plan.
I have an Omaha trip to plan.
I have karoake to practice for.
I have counseling to go to.
I have an incredible boyfriend to love. (Which by the way, girls on my hall think he's adorable and love to talk about his cute butt...and it kinda makes me wanna scream "HE's MINE"...)

I'm just me.
I'm happy with me.
I miss hanging with some of my other friends though like Kristen, Adie, Lori, Amanda, so on...
I miss bugging Danelle and Alyssia.
I don't make fun of Ben enough.
I don't hug Bryan enough.
I don't bug Dale enough.
I don't hang out with Porcia or John enough.
I haven't bugged Anna much this week.
I have finally made Matt talk more.
I just...

I don't know.

Right now...I'm confused.
I'm no longer greek.
I'm in a dorm.
I'm not really a dormie because dormies don't accept me.
What am I?

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