I hate it.

I'm having a very serious problem.
Ok so I've been taking this antibiotic to take care of this infection on the back of my legs...because a) it can kill me and b) it's ugly

The problem is...it's majorly affecting my relationships.
Well it cancels out every aspect of my birth control pill right down to the helping my hormone levels and pcos issues...and now my hormones are going haywire since this is the week my visitor is due and I'm an extreme emotional nutcase and I just can't control it.

I hate it.
I hate it.
I hate it.

Now it's affecting my relationship with James because he's tired of bringing me to tears over everything and hearing about my new drama...but it's like I can't control it.

I hate it.
I hate it.
I hate it.

So I'm crying...
and I don't know why...
and I know I upset James...
and I don't know why...
and I'm so confused...
and I don't know why...
and I'm crying harder...

I hate it.
I hate it.
I hate it.

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