3 Months

Here's what you do when you're feeling blue:
Pick up Ben.
Walk to the puck.
Sit and talk.
Walk to Comp Sci.
Hang out.
Walk to Farrar's lounge in the rain.
Hang out.
Walk to Mac's Study lounge in the rain.
Sit and talk.
Walk to Comp Sci avoiding the thunder and lightening.
Walk to Denny's, avoiding the lightening.
Drink cappucino while watching the lightening.
Get a penny from your favorite waiter.
Get advice from a logical old man.
Walk to TJ.
Walk to Mac, while watching the sky and reflecting.
Reflecting on what?
Dumping your incredible boyfriend because of your insecurities because you doubt yourself.
The logical old man points out that you're paranoid and scared because of your ex and that you need to learn to love yourself again and let yourself blossom.
Anyway, today is now the 13th. This makes 3 months for me and James. We did get back together but I don't know how he forgave me after how I was. I love him so much.

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