Royally Irked

I couldn't sleep last night. I'm not sure what my problem was. It was one of those nights where I just kept tossing and turning and tossing and turning. I woke up with a major headache...only to find drama.

I decided to check James' journal just to see if he had gotten up before me and already posted (hopeful, yes, I was). So I find that he has more comments in what I like to refer to as "the mean post." I check them out to find him getting bashed. Now I was going to bite my tongue, really, I was...but then I went to see what the anonymous "Dear Santa" entry was that this Jess referred to only to find that she accused me of writing it.

Now...anyone that knows me knows I didn't do it. They also know I don't type that poorly. I wasn't going to respond...but then I find out that I'm the "cate bitch"...and somehow, having had the bad night I did...that just royally irked me.

So yes, I responded.
Yes, I shouldn't have.
No, it wasn't the mature thing to do.
Yes, my headache is worse.

But by golly...I'm want to say that NO ONE has the right to talk to ME or James the way this girl is doing. It's just not right. She says she's defending Carol. Carol can fight her own battles...don't you think?

There's a part of me that wants to go dig a hole and pretend to sleep.
There's another part that wants to prepare for war.
Then this third part that I didn't existed...thinks I should just let it go.

I hope James isn't mad that I actually responded...but I don't like being accused of things I didn't do.

And whoever did do it...I know you were probably trying to help...but please, don't.

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