I want to cry...but I don't know why...

Ever just want to cry?
Like you're sitting there and you say to yourself "I feel like having a good cry"?
It's not because of your boyfriend...because you love him and he's sweet and you know that even though you miss him and want to see him, that he's still so amazing and each day you love him more.
It's not because of your friends...because they either love you or they're bitches (haha).
It's not because of classes...because at this point you know you're either passing or can't fix your grade.
It's not because of family...because you accept that they are crazy in a bad way.
It's just...you want to cry.
Does this make any sense?

So then I thought about my life. I'd go back to 2001 and recap but I'd have to think a while (since I am getting old). Anyway...2002. In 2002 around this time, I was probably spending the night at Sarah's house (yay for Susu!) I was excited because it was almost Christmas and I couldn't wait. Yay it was my last Christmas as a highschooler.
Overall 2002 = Good Time of Year.

In 2003, I was dating a guy that I thought I'd be with forever. This was RIGHT before things started turning bad. I made him my life though. It was to the point that if he was at work 10 minutes late then my whole day was thrown off.
Overall 2003 = Bad.

In 2004, I was sitting around waiting to be dumped basically. Yeah, Roni is known for bad relationships around Christmas time. Oh well.
Overall 2004 = Iffy.

This year though...I'm just content. I'm not overally excited. I'm not in a bad relationship. I'm not dependent on a guy for my happiness. I'm just happy go lucky Roni. I'm just ME. I'm happy about who I am and where I am in my life and who's in my life. I'm content with James. I'm content with my friends and newer friends (like Amanda, who's awesome). I'm content with my classes (even if I did skip too much). I'm content with my family (even if they hate me). I'm just content.

Yet...out of the blue... I want to cry.
Is that so weird?

Heck maybe deep down I want to cry just because I am content and I'm happy. Maybe that's what it is. LOL. I don't know...I just wondered if anyone else ever feels like a random cry.

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