Going Home

I love how you can get replaced and people have no courtesy to tell you all the stuff they now place upon you.

That's all I'm saying. If you dont know where I'm coming from, chances are you don't want to know.

Here are some things I HATE:

1. People that are so fake and lie to your face. (Do you think I dont know that you tell everyone how much you dislike me?)

2. People that put on huge fronts to look nice when they are bitches. (Again how naive do you think I am?)

3. Being taken for granted.

4. Never knowing who I can or can not rant to.

5. Often feeling like I'm "too nice."

6. Making this list...it's sad, I'm stopping now.

I don't know...it's just one of those nights.

Oh and now I found out they are canceling 7th Heaven. WTF? That's like the ONE show I know anything about.


I'm going home around 10am. Then I get a lovely shot (is it sad that my doctors appt is the highlight of my trip?) Then I get to see Mary Jane...you know the woman that wishes she were family but really isnt.

Each year I look forward to going home less and less.

Maybe next year I just won't go home.

In other news....

James, I love you and I miss you and if Salem could talk he'd tell you the same. I hope you have an awesome um next few days. Enjoy your mini-roni vacation because honey I am so going to talk your arse off when I'm back (like I do anyway) because I'll want to know every detail of your life.

Amanda, you are kick ass cool. I'm so glad you dated my pseudo pet because now I get to bug you. So Miss Office-inator we must work on the "HC2" for next semester because that club woud be awesome :)

Lori, I missed ya.

Hmm...and to Ben..."cheese." You should buy cheese. Then you won't be hungry and smooch for food. Or maybe get a job making cheese. Yay for me pretending to be sarcastic :)


I hope I survive this trip home. If not, I can't say I'll miss most of you :)

But to end with a quote (because I'm like that):

"Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant, and she fell on me. Then it wouldn't seem quite so funny."
--Jack Handey Deep Thoughts

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