
THE PLAN (so far)

1. Pay last month's house corp
2. See if I can postpone paying next month's until December.
3. Pay December�s in January
4. Defer my regular kd bills until next semester
5. Not stress yet...go home over thanksgiving and discuss (hopefully calmly) the possibility of taking a semester off... and be prepared to have shoes thrown at me.
6. Consider being inactive but don�t announce it yet (I want to be 100% sure)
7. after thanksgiving THEN get the job that way I know I at least tried one last time to figure it out with my parents (plus I have so much to do before then I'd feel more confident to wait)
8. Next semester if I go inactive, then I will find a place to live and obviously have a job...if I stay active, I will still have a job and I will save all the money I can
9. I will apply to lindenwood/send for my transcripts over thanksgiving so that if my parents want to pretend to be interested, I can let them play
10. Tell James everyday that I love him.
11. Definitely not going home as long in December if at all
12. if not by next semester...then by may, I plan to be completely dependent on myself

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