An Act Of Boredom?

15 years ago (1990),:
1. I was 5.
2. I was told that I'd never be able to talk correctly and that my stroke did drastic damage and that I must be in speech therapy for most of my life.
3. I thought I was inventing the world's most powerful medicine by mixing weeds with mulberries.
4. My cat, Fritz III, died after being hit in the head by an umbrella.
5. All I'd eat was hotdogs, sausage, and spinash. All other foods were "nono"

10 years ago (1995),:
1. I was 10.
2. I experienced my first tornado.
3. Cassie graduated and moved out...leaving me the only child at home.
4. I wanted to grow up to be a missionary and work in Ghana, Africa.
5. I was in a fight because the school bullies made fun of Elisabeth's dress for having little cow pictures on it.

5 years ago (2000),:
1. I was 15.
2. I was in a wheelchair.
3. I had a crush on Per, an exchange student from Sweden.
4. I thought I'd grow up to be a famous actress...or at least deal with communication.
5. My best friend was Sarah Diab...and together we learned to deal with highschool as "Muslim Chick and Wheelchair Queen"

3 years ago (2002),:
1. I was 17.
2. I was dating Josh W.
3. I learned that I had an obession with computers.
4. I wanted to be a journalist.
5. I started to realize just how much wildlife impacts me and I wanted nothing more than to move out into the country and just live off of the woods.

2 years ago (2003),:
1. I was 18.
2. I thought I was going to be with Josh forever.
3. I started college at QU.
4. I was a journalism major.
5. I was pregnant.

1 year ago (2004),:
1. I was 19.
2. I started UMR.
3. I was a computer science major.
4. I was in the biggest depression of my life.
5. I joined Kappa Delta.

This year I (2005):
1. Decided that I definitely want to major in wildlife conservation.
2. Had some very interesting relationships.
3. Came back to UMR again (from MACC).
4. Actually had to confront my Mo's death when PeePaw died.
5. Learned that everyday, I get to know ME a little more.

Yesterday I:
1. camped at Lane Springs
2. walked on this beautiful trail
3. spent time with this amazing guy
4. learned more about a different belief
5. discovered it's REALLY ok to just be myself around people I care about

Today I:
1. woke up freezing
2. spent more time at the Spring
3. didn't want James to leave
4. hung with Ben at Denny's (as usual)
5. realized that Val and I are becoming really good friends

5 people that I like to be around in no particular order:
1. James
2. Val
3. Danelle
4. Ben
5. Kristen

5 TV shows I like:
1. Wildfire
2. 7th Heaven
3. um...yeah I dont watch tv much
4. really I dont...
5. so ...meh?

5 places I've lived:
1. Kennett, MO
2. Moberly, MO
3. Madison, MO
4. Quincy, IL
5. Rolla, MO

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