Explosion: Undone

*Digs out super glue*
*Digs out duct tape*
*Digs out rope*
*Gathers all the pieces of me*
*Puts self back together*

Trespassing Ticket: CHECK
UPDATE: officially was mailed today :)

House Note: CHECK
UPDATE: money should have been received by now

UPDATE: both will be mailed Friday

UPDATE: will be picked up the 13th

UPDATE: will buy on the 13th

UPDATE: made many calls today

Explosion: UNDONE

Don't you just love how I explode and then unexplode in an orderly fashion? What? You say you can't unexplode? Too bad :) I rule my world and I can unexplode if I want to. Ok, so I dont have a world...but by golly if I did, I'd allow myself to explode and unexplode :)

Everything is going to be ok...or at least at this very moment.

Mom's boss called and she explained to them how she was screwed by Mexico High School back in '69. See she was in and out of the hospital a lot as a kid (mainly b/c my Grandma put here in there for just about everything) so when her graduation came up...she couldnt make it. The school called and said they'd mail her the diploma. Weeks passed. Months passed. Finally it was apparent no diploma was calling so her mother called the school and they told her mom wasnt getting one. This confused my mom but she didnt worry too much. They told her though she couldnt come back to school to earn just ONE credit. She would have to get her GED. This confused her more. So she requested her transcript a while back and it said she was like one credit short ...but said she DID complete the 12th grade.

She's never lied on an application. If it asks if she has a diploma or graduated...she says " no". But sometimes it asked "last grade completed" or "did you complete high school?" and the answer is, in fact, "yes"

The boss talked to her a while and I could tell Mom was nervous. He said she was the best worker and they really really didnt want to have to fire her. She is still qualified to give medicine in the state of Missouri so that took care of one problem but the issue still lay in the fact she had no diploma or GED. Well they talked and they thought about it. The GED instructors feel she'll get it by Christmas. So she told her boss she'd defintely have it by Spring (allowing herself extra time in order not to stress herself). They thought about it more and said she could keep her job as long as she finishes her GED by Spring.

She was so excited. She totally did a victory dance and almost crashed the car. LOL

So that solved the Mom crisis. Also about the money...now she'll be able to help me pay the expenses.

I had another email today from the US Dept of Education. They said ANOTHER federal loan went default. Now I was pissed...thinking "how"? So I called UMR. Even though I withdrew...I had never went 6 months in a fall or spring semester without being enrolled in some class (even if I withdrew) so they said no way should any of loan went default. They still have me in the computers as receiving aid and were very mad that they didnt get notified before I did. Also they said if QU has a problem with loans they should be taking it up with THEM before ME. SMSU had emailed me saying I'd get no aid from them if I went there...which by the way, I'm not going there so I dont know why they even emailed me. So this still worried me so UMR did more checking in the computers. They said I shouldnt be default and they can fix it if something comes to them saying I am. They have my number and will call. They think it's a gliche on behalf of QU...so thanks QU for screwing me some more. I really dont like that school sometimes and I hope thier little Hawk mascot gets shot by Joe Miner. *snickers* Sorry, I amuse myself. Anyway...the cashier's office has bills ready to be mailed out and says I owe nothing as of yet for my bill because I should get plenty of financial aid.
So in conclusion...the US Dept must be confused. I shouldnt be default on anything. QU needs an anal raping back. And everything SHOULD be fine right now.

Oh and Resa, Stef, Kev, all yall from QU....I do love yall...I just hate how QU is being. So dont take it personally that Joe Miner is going to kill your Hawk and eat it for dinner.

I need to go finish unexploding....
Oh and a little humor (sorta):

Mom: "So I was angry and you were worried FOR NOTHING?"
Roni: "No, it was for something. We just had to figure our problems out."
Mom: "But you exploded for nothing."
Roni: "How did you know I exploded?"
Mom: "Well walking around last night with a piece of paper on your back that reads 'EXPLODED: This person is temporarily out of service' kinda gave it away"
Roni: "Oh yeah"
Mom: "dork"
Roni: "yeah yeah"

.....ok so it wasn't THAT Funny but hey it makes me smile :)

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