
Should it bother me that I found out that every boyfriend I've had within like the last 2 years...still looked online for other women? I mean, they'd have adult profiles up to see "who thought they were cute" or tell me "I just like to see who'd be interested" or "I like to see how I rate against other men" or even yet "I had the profile before and I just havent deleted it"...
but then you find out they respond to women email them back or tell all about themselves leaving out the fact they have a girlfriend.
I think I'm going to take this personal.
Seriously, name ONE GUY I've dated in the last 2 or 3 years that did NOT do this.
I bet you cant.
Oh they think I dont know...but I always do. I'm not dumb.
If I keep a profile on a dating site or something, I at least dont actively LOOK while I'm in a relationship and I tell from the get go that I'm TAKEN.
I know we're young and not necessarily going to find our mr or mrs right anytime soon...but the point is, how is that giving the relationship a fair chance when they are doing that?
I love how they think it's no big deal.
I love how they think I wont find out.
I love how they say well "honey you can look. I want you happy so if another man makes you happier, I'd be ok"...uh huh, well that doesnt mean I'm going to seek one while I'm with you.
I feel...I dont know...cheated in a way.
I mean we're talking every ex boyfriend ranging from Josh all the way up to Tim. Do the math...that puts Warren, Nick, Kevin, and whoever the hell else I dated in there.
Something is just not right with this.
Also are you aware of how many husbands cheat???
Look, I used to be a jealous one but I'm not really anymore. However, I at least want to know if a guy is looking while he's with me. I think I deserve some respect, right????
Men can be such pigs.

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