Camping Pics

Yes, that's where we camped....and yes, it's picture time!

See those gates? Yeah, I still havent figured out why there are so many protecting this particular state park.

That's the trail that was right on the end of our campsite...yes, I saw this pretty scene daily :)

That's Dad cleaning fish... 43 of them that night. That's the same day he hung himself and fell out of the boat....and he later was cut badly when mom ran from the wolf spiders that visited us.

Oh, the first fishing trip only brough in 15 fish...mostly bass. The second was the 43 and mostly bluegill. I caught the big bass.

Are they really that scary looking? I mean, why did Mom run so much? Oh and they both had egg sacks on them originally...Mom knocked it off with a broom. But it's ok, they found them and reattached them and it's all good.

That's Mom...she's smiling because I told her I'd make her an olive loaf sandwich if she shut up about the darned spiders :)

Anyway, here are some pictures of around the park that I thought were pretty:

Oh that picture was taken right before I tripped in a hole...

That's the hole.

Now, on to pretty pictures...

Oh yeah, see that trail? It's actually part of the motocross trail. Why it goes over a creek, I do not know.

And yes, there's motocross at this park. Yay for motocross boys :)

Anyway here are some pictures of that goofy motocross trail:

hehe one bad move, and SPLASH


I have like 18 bug bites and mysterious bumps and a sun burn...other thna that, the trip was great :)

Oh and yes, we took animals as usual...

Socks and the kittens went...yay!

Hehe, yes, I's weird to take kittens camping
but g'night :)

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