
So the SMS campus was pretty nice... the people seemed friendly, even if they were just acting a part to impress me... and the programs I'm interested in seem to be really good and strong there.

Meaning... there's a 99.999999999999999% chance that I'll be there next semester.

Anyway, I have almost 300 pics. Mom and I went to two zoos...one being a drive in zoo that you can feed the animals. We also saw the Wilson Creek Battlefield...w00t.

Here are just a FEW of the pics from everything. Ask if you have an animal you want to see, I just may have pictures :) Also, I'll probably make a seperate entry all about Wilson Creek later on...but that's just because it amused me. Until then, enjoy a variety of pics :)

This is the Ray Family house....used as a hospital during the Civil... at Wilson's Creek.

This is from the Pulaski Arkansas Battery.

Hehehe...*BANG! BANG! POW!*

Site of Bloody Hill

So basically...I followed this fence for like 1/4 a mile before it finally says 'WARNING: ELECTRIC FENCE"...and then, get this... that's the ONLY sign on it!

Bengals are friendly to me... but by golly, my white Siberian was stuck up :(

Uh guys, you're missing stripes....

See? He has all of his stripes :D.... heheh, this guy kept chasing the van for more food.

At one point, Mom had 3 llamas bugging her :D

Is it just me...or do these guys look scary? Heheh, Mom fed one from her hand finally and 5 came running to her. Me? I avoided these mean little suckers. Instead, I fed an ostrich.

The ostrich wouldnt leave...Finally, I started rolling up my window and the thing's neck was in it. Then it gives me a dirty look and bumps the window with it's beak. *sigh* I have a shirt now that says "I Survived Feeding the Ostrich" :)

Big guys amuse me...big horns amuse me... Buffalo rock my world! But beware...they slobber EVERYWHERE.

I didnt even get the window all the way down before he wanted food. Aww, cute little fella :) I have a shirt that also says "I was slimed at Exotic Animal Paradise" and shows a picture of this guy :)

More pics...whenever I get around to posting 'em

Oh yeah, and before I forget...wolves are just awesome. I got them to howl with me. If anyone wants to buy me like a wolf, I'd accept it :)

And...I never did go to Rolla like I had planned on. I was too wrapped up in Springfield. Whoops! *blushes*

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