Baby Snake

My Dad was proud of our special visitor today. He caught him and brought him to me.

Now, everyone in my family except for Dad and I are scared to death of snakes. So Mom locked us out of the house and went running. Then she decided to grab a shovel and chase the snake.
So this is the scene... Dad's running with a snake screaming "IT'S HARMLESS"....Mom's running after him with a shovel screaming "KILL IT"... My neice and nephew are running to them screaming "WE WANT TO SEE"...My sister is down the street yelling "KILL IT!"....Her husband is running away. The neighbors are all coming over. Then, I limp out of the house...with a wrapped up foot and start hopping after my Mom screaming "COME BACK HERE, IT'S JUST A BABY!"
Now you know, that had to be a sight to see.
I locked Mom out of the house until I found out she hadn't killed the baby after all.
It's cute, he wouldn't have hurt her.

I personally love snakes...I wanted to keep it. So now when I plant my flowers later, I'm on a mission to find the snake's has to be around here somewhere :)

See? He's so cute that even though I have 3 layers of skin apparently missing off my toe, I wobbled after him for pictures.

Isn't he cute?

Oh and a side note: Cheese is almost completely white now....his feathers all decided to grow over night :)

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