Dont Question Me

So it has come to my attention that if you question my behavior for having ducks, I am probably not going to like you.

Don't you dare ever question my morals when it comes to the care of animals.

Would you like to see my PETA membership card? Or maybe my HSUS card?

So be warned now.... you question if my behavior is cruel and unusual... then, you should know, you have another thing coming. I do good to smash spiders even...because I don't like harming any living thing.

Seriously, if you want to know my beliefs on animals and cruelty, I'll type you up a paper...otherwise, ask with caution.

I spaced it some for easier reading:


g4m3r_gur1: I should move to a farm really...

jjeane77 : as long as it has a pc right

g4m3r_gur1: wrong

g4m3r_gur1: I dont need a pc to be happy

jjeane77 : really so what would u do for fun without a pc

g4m3r_gur1: well I'm crazy about parks.. .not to mention that I have this weird bug collection and like to analyze rocks.. but anyway, I'm wanting to switch my major to be re-vet... I'm an animal I can have hours of fun just observing my ducks

g4m3r_gur1: that I mention them... have informed me that they spilled their water... so brb

jjeane77 : ducks??

g4m3r_gur1: back

g4m3r_gur1: yes, ducks

g4m3r_gur1: I have 4 ducklings...of 3 breeds... in a my room.....looking at me

jjeane77 : interesting

g4m3r_gur1: yep

jjeane77 : wouldn't that be considered cruel and unusual

g4m3r_gur1: no

jjeane77 : "in a cage"???

g4m3r_gur1: it has no top on's one I built myself.. they get out as often as they please.. they just sleep in that so that if my dog gets in here, he wont mess with them

jjeane77 : ah

jjeane77 : and the duck shit

g4m3r_gur1: considering they were bred in captivity... and considering the conditions they were kept in at the store prior to my getting them... this is actually really good for them... plus, to release a duckling out into the wild with no fully grown ducks to teach it the ways of the world, it would be really, this is more compassionate to them

jjeane77 : true,

jjeane77 : just the sound of it 4 ducks in a cage no room to waddle

g4m3r_gur1: they do have plenty of room... and they are ducklings..not full grown ducks.. .as a matter of fact, two of them are just now big enough to not need the heat light

jjeane77 : ah

g4m3r_gur1: the khakis were originally a breed that was made to keep as pets in the first place...they really dont have much defense two of them, wouldnt do so good out in the wild anyway

g4m3r_gur1: they get to swim... they get food and water catered to them.. they have shelter.. they have everything a young duckling could dream of

jjeane77 : true

jjeane77 : spit or swallow

g4m3r_gur1: unless you're asking about my ducks, now is not a good time to ask that...considering you questioned my peculiar behavior when it comes to pets

jjeane77 : ok will keep that for later

jjeane77 : any other pets

g4m3r_gur1: 2 dogs, 3 cats, and a cockatiel

g4m3r_gur1: by the way, not that you asked.. .but the ducks are.. .a pekin drake, a rouen hen, and both a drake and hen khaki

jjeane77 : ok

jjeane77 : well you hunt or fish

g4m3r_gur1: I fish. I do not hunt.

g4m3r_gur1: actually I dont fish much anymore... I used to do it to humor my Dad and because it was fun... but it's getting where when I go fishing, I analyze the water content instead

jjeane77 : talk about trying to ruin the all american past time of relaxation

g4m3r_gur1: I have a passion for animals and nature..... it's not my fault that I'd rather study it or observe it...than catch it

jjeane77 : so are you against hunting??

g4m3r_gur1: against it? no... would I go? yes.... would I shoot something? no....

jjeane77 : ok

g4m3r_gur1: I'm not some crazy "dont eat meat"..."dont wear fur"..."dont dont dont" kind of girl

g4m3r_gur1: but I do have very strong standards that I go by, myself

jjeane77 : and ur standards are??

g4m3r_gur1: do you really want my entire list? I mean that even gets into why I don't eat at KFC... so unless you're prepared for a long speech, you may want to rephrase that

jjeane77 : and ur standards are???

g4m3r_gur1: I do not harm anything on purpose. I also refuse to euthanize an animal unless it is the only means to end it's suffering. Far too often do people euthanize their dog, for example, when what they were suffering from, has a cure. I hate people that hate animals. I can never shoot one, don't ask me to. If I think an animal was in an unjust circumstance when it was killed, I won't eat it. I go on strike actually and yes, I have a supply of stickers that I hand out when need be. I rarely ever eat chicken and only then, it's if it's covered in either some sorta chinese restaurant sauce or buffalo sauce... and only then, at certain restaurants. That is all for now. You get the general idea of my standards.

g4m3r_gur1: you've struck up something I have a passion for...

jjeane77 : i can tell, and ur standards for sex

g4m3r_gur1: are none of your concern


AND NEVER.....NEVER.... try to change the subject once you get me going about animals...

AND...IF YOU DO... you better pray it's not to sex...because now, your penis will never be touched.

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