oh the horror...oh the randomness...

w00t...any entry just for a survey thing:

Random Questions Survey
1.) What is a word that can make any amusing sentence more amusing? beano

2.) Does the question "Which is more important: looks or personality?" annoy you?: not when I ask it :)

3.) Who did let the dogs out?: my daddy

4.) Have you ever eaten a bug intentionally?: yeah but I was a weird kid and it was crunchy

5.) Are you a sexy beast?: sexy? nah....but beast? maybe :)

6.) Have you ever coveted your neighbors wife?: no, she's too hairy

7.) If you died tomorrow and went straight to Hell, what would you assume the reason to be?: because I was a naughty, naughty girl

8.) If you could travel to any time period, when would it be?: eh probably Bible times...because I have questions

9.) In all honesty - how do you feel about your appearance?: I can be cute if I want...

10.) Why, God, why?: because you ate the chicken

11.) Does disco live?: *sighs* only in my heart :P

12.) What's your theme song?: i don't wanna grow up, i'm a toys 'r us kid..

13.) Alms for the poor?: huh?

14.) Are there any English words that you despise more than Satan in all his sinister glory?: "weed"...I mean, c'mon you lazy asses, call it marijuana :P..besides, it sounds yucky

15.) Are you a good dancer?: well I do amuse my ducks...

16.) Could one conceivable argue that masturbation is therapeutic?: hehehe...sure... can I watch the argument?

17.) What are your favorite words to use in conversation?: depends on how much I hate you and how much I want to annoy you :)

18.) True or false - All homophobes are inherently evil.: False...but I dont really know any homophobes...

19.) What is the most amusing name you have ever come across in a telephone directory?: Raper...although I have cousins with that last name, it still makes me giggle :D

20.) Drugs - are you into that sort of thing?: not really but I have friends that are

21.) How do you feel about garden gnomes?: they are more famous than I am :(

22.) Do you remember the eighties?: of course, dont everyone remember the decade they were born in? :P

23.) Avril Lavigne - is she a poser or a goddess?: neither

24.) Do you readily recognize the word "triskaidekaphobia"?: yeah, it's the fear of the #13...I only know this because well, I have this fear of certain numbers myself...yeah yeah, dont ask :P

25.) What is the best public scene you have ever created?: uh running in walmart with a feather boa and singing "Like a Virgin" :D

26.) Were you an abnormally fat child?: no, it waited until now to make me fat...

27.) What would you say if I told you I was in love with your sister?: uh sorry kid, they both are married

28.) What about your cousin?: yay, good job...now bug off...

29.) Do your boobs have names?: who told?

30.) If you could give yourself a makeover, what would you do?: I'd get highlights that I keep saying I'm going to...

Anyway, I'm bored but now I have to go whine and bug someone...

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