Catch Up

Wow, first I post too not enough. So sit back, grab some gummy bears and you might want to run to the restroom first.
Here we, here we go :)


College is sucking big cheese right now. We don't want to even begin to discuss how I'm doing in math. The scary part is, I am doing better in Trigonometry than I am Algebra. I did flunk the Alg test with like a 48. Trig was a 60 though. I need to bug "Teacher Guy" more often. I have my AutoCAD midterm on Tuesday. I really don't know how I'm going to do. I mean the questions are getting really evil, however that part IS open book. The drawings is what scares me though. I mean, he's going to actually scale these and make sure that every single aspect of our lineweights is accurate. It's kinda intimidating to hear about really.
Also, I don't know if I want to go to UMR. Sarah pointed out that if I suck this bad here, how the hell am I going to do when I get back to engineering school? It's still the plan though...and if for some reason I don't go there, well KC has some schools that sorta sound nice. Although, my MU friends are majorly pressuring me to go there. *sighs* College really does suck.


I decided to get a pet. I was going to get a bunny just because I wanted to have the oh so much fun of keeping my dog from eatting it :) Anyway I saw these cute little ducklings and I just HAD to buy some. So now I'm the proud owner of two ducklings...a Rouen and a Pekin. They have this rabbit hutch that I set up completely differently to accommodate them in my room. I swear, they go "quack quack waddle waddle chirp chirp" seriously, it sounds like they chirp! It's so cute :) Although people like to see them on my webcam more than me...
My creativity level really stinks though so I named the yellow one "Cheese" and the other one "Quackers"...apparently it's a bad pun but I think it's cute :D


Socks (my dog) has resorted back to eatting shoes for some reason and has decided to literally EAT any of my shoes she can find. Now, mind you I bought 3 pairs of shoes to make up for it. But I just wanted to rant :)


Amy and I are on good terms and have been hanging out lately. We went to Columbia yesterday and hung at the mall with David and Dean and later met up with Bob. Anyway, she confuses me. One minute she acts interested in Bryan and the next, it's David....and then it's "she doesn't know if she wants a guy" and *sighs* it's getting frustrating.
Also apparently she's more shy and innocent than I thought. She either has no flirting skills or no confidence to use them. It saddens me. I mean yeah, she can be evil and whap me around...but she's a sweetie and deserves a guy. Oh well, we'll see how it goes next week in Columbia.


So Charles finally drove me nuts enough that I had bought a webcam. Anyway I just wanted to say he's a super hot teacher and I wish he had taught at my high school ;)


Scott is out of the picture. I totally blocked him. I don't need him anymore. Sure it was fun to fuck a stranger but really, I don't want a Bible thumper.


I'm not sure what happens to him. He'll be like "please come see me, please, please" and totally beg for a second chance...but then when I go to reach him to tell him if I *can* see him...he's no where to be found. So either a) he's extremely impatient and gives up easily...b) he's super busy or c) he wussed out. So I still havent met him, that's because I cant REACH HIM.
So which reason is it?


I totally think he's a hottie and it's not fair that he's sick. :( I love going to class just to see him ;)


I don't know his deal lately. I rarely catch him online and when I do, he's uber distracted. Dean says he pissed a bunch of girls off, but still...he can be nice to me :P


That is the nickname that I gave Steve. It's a Ghana name for "Seeker"...since yeah, he thought it was call that I'm "Afi" (by the way if you want a Ghana name, just ask me for one) Anyway it totally sucks that he left Columbia to go to Philly. Why does fate hate me? He's a totally sweet guy and we have so much in common. I wish I could hang out with him. I just really enjoy talking to him and he definitely has friend potential :)


Not to be confused with Talib, this Steve is an impatient guy at UMR. I think he's trying to guilt trip me into seeing him. Does he not grasp the fact that I'm NOT in Rolla? Or is he just that nuts?


Bryan is extremely pissy lately. I don't know what his deal is. I know my friend, Amy, wanted to at least know him and he didn't seem too receptive to that. Yet, he whines that no one wants to know him or talk to him. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER, BOY.


So I met Dean finally. He's a cutie, he really is. He reminds me so much of James though. Anyway I just wanted to say wow, he is so awesome :) If all swingers are as cool as he is...then this could be fun


Hmm, I could say a lot about Bob...however, I think he reads my journal. So I will just say this... mmmm when do I get to see you again ;) hehe


Ever kiss a guy with two lip rings? You should. It's friggin awesome ;)


Anyway, I feel really sick today. Either I fucked Bo..uh...fucked somebody too much yesterday and I just am tired from that...or I could be getting sick...or I ate something wrong.
I don't have a hangover from all my shots of rum...but damn, it took forever to fall asleep last night.
I think I just am stressed and relieved about this week being over.
Either way, I gotta go puke now...
I'll let ya know if I think of more to say :)

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