
I think I'm dying....I just tried those cheeses that I got....and oh my god! I think they are all just different degrees of mold or clabbered milk! Mom and I were both gagging and the dog wouldnt even eat it. Mom said if those are "fine cheeses"..then we wouldnt survive in those countries. *GAG* and even yet, we formed theories on them all. The one from England is bad to get revenge for the Boston Tea Party. The one from France is bad to get payback for us always making fun of them for their lack of war fighting ability. The one from Holland had to have been made way back when Nazis were kill them. And, the one from Italy...they just wanted to hear us say "stinky cheese"....GAH.

AND.....We're trying to convince Dad that he has to eat it all :) yay....payback for him buying "old fashioned" cottage cheese.

I think my love of cheese is gone....but here's some humor from when I was telling Wendy about this:

Roni Ann says:

*shudders* well we now know WHY you dont use cheese to win a girl's heart

Wendy says:

LOL I think that's good advice, that's not a successful way of getting a girl in the sack

Roni Ann says:

unless you're wanting her to die and fall into the sack

Wendy says:


Wendy says:

well, some people like humpin corpses, weirdos

Wendy says:

ya just never know

Roni Ann says:

hahaha...."only in Rolla"....that'd be my luck

Wendy says:


Wendy says:

crazy, crazy people

Moral of the story:

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