
I dont know what I did wrong...we left on excellent terms...with both of us in tears and him saying he loved me and promising me he'd call that night when he got to Kansas.I've tried his cell phone and it's never turned on...it's always off and goes to his machine. And no one else that I know has reached his phone turned on either (I have mutual friends of his and they cant reach him either)...and he hasnt checked his email since he's been gone (b/c I've checked it to see) and I'm scared to call the house phone (since his family hates me).
Pat W. thinks he pulled a Houdini and just left me.
A few others think he deserves the benefit of the doubt.
I just...
I don't know what to do.
I can't give up on him yet.
Ya know, I took all the mistakes I made in old relationships and didnt make them.
I didnt smother him like I did Josh.
I was very honest with him.
I did what he asked.
I dont know if I did something wrong but I think it's only fair he at least tell me if it's over.
Don't you?

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