Vodka Girl in a Rum World

This is another one of those moments where I wish everything I had on my mind would pour out onto my journal and I wouldn't have to figure out how to word it...
I feel really weird today. I don't know if it's because I'm leaving UMR tomorrow...if it's because I'm technically an alumni of Kappa Delta Sorority once I leave...I don't know if it's because of the promise ring/lavaliere from Nick...or if it's all the vodka, schnapps, b52, captain morgan, and bud light that Nick and I had last night. (What? We aren't happy to leave...and it's official...Nick is a rum or schnapps boy and I'm a vodka and beer girl.)
Last night made two nights in a row that I downed vodka. I don't really get a buzz...but I love the burn. I have to say the Smirknoff was much better than the peach vodka stuff. Anyway if you want some peach schnapps or b52...we still have some. But not for long :)
As soon as Nick returns from his shower...I have to molest him. After that, we need to go pick up the lavaliere and then go withdraw from all of our classes. Aww, so sad...we really haven't been doing much class related things lately anyway.
I really hate to see how long it will take to withdraw from the school.
I do know there's a candlelight at Kappa Delta at 4:30 that I have to try to go to. And Chapter is at 6. Other than that, after we finish the paper work...we have the oh-so-much-fun of packing all our craptastical belongings.
I'm going to miss so many people here. At Quincy, no one even cried or whimpered when I left. But here, I have 60 girls that all feel hurt. Many have cried or will today. I love these girls, they are truly my sister in spirit and truth.
I'm going to miss Nick so much. Why does Kansas City, Kansas seem so far from Moberly? Why does he not answer his cell phone much? Why do I know not to expect many emails? Why is he confident that we'll last and be fine when I'm his first girlfriend? Why does it hurt to see him go? Why do I feel like giving up Subway even for the rest of my life to have an extra day with him? Why am I obsessed with Subway?
Anyway, I'm hungry and need to email a few people before Nicky gets in here.
I love yalls.
Man, I'm going to miss my lover...Nicky, I miss you already :(

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