10:12 PM

10:12 PM

Here ...learn about me....via a survey my cousin sent me:

What is your Full name: *DELETED FOR MY PROTECTION*

What color pants are you wearing now: black (they are sorta a mix between scrubs and sweats�you figure it out)

What was the last thing you ate? something at Rayl

If you were a crayon what color would you be: bright neon pink

BF/GF? Nick Letcher

Current school: UMR

Major/Future Major? Computer Science...until I switch to either Journalism or Elementary Education ...or even yet, Computer Engineering (yes, I'm an indecisive girl...your point?)

Organizations In? Kappa Delta, BSU, and I'm a member of Spelunkers (I just always miss the events and meetings)

What is the weather right now: cold and rainy

Last person you talked to on the phone: Nick

First thing you notice about the opposite sex: smile

How are you today: excited, I actually finished my C++ program (yay, I�m a geek)

Favorite Alcoholic drink: eh, I�m too innocent to have a favorite

Favorite Sport: Soccer

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Chocolate Brown

What contacts do you wear: the ones that allow me to see everyone BUT you�muhahaha
Siblings? Becky (30) and Cassie (27)

Favorite Month: January

Favorite Food: buffalo chicken strips from Denny�s

Last Movie you Watched: Honey

Favorite Day of the Year: which ever one is the last day of school

Are you too shy to ask someone out: um, no

Summer or Winter: winter

Hugs or Kisses: hugs

Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla�but Strawberry is better

Do you want your friends to respond back: DUH! Otherwise I wouldn�t waste my time�

Who is most likely to respond: whoever I yell at the most
Who is least likely to respond: everyone (I feel unloved)

Living Arrangements: McAnerney Hall�with a Chi-O
What books are you reading: I�m suppose to be reading????

What's on your mouse pad: an ugly Systemax design

Favorite Board Game: Scrabble or something I can win

What did you do last night: worked on my C++ program and then hung out at KD

Can you touch your nose with your tongue: No

Who inspires you: Danielle (my baby niece is so cute..hehe)

Buttered, plain or salted popcorn? plain or kettle

Favorite Flower: white rose

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? Try to convince my clock that it�s wrong

Do you still talk to your best friend from elementary school? Yes(Elisabeth, I love you)

Pets: 4 cats, 3 dogs, 1 bird (at my parents place)

Rock Concert or Symphony: Rock Concert
Play or Opera: Play

Have you ever fired a gun: yep

Do you like to travel by plane: never been on one

Smooth Peanut Butter or Chunky Peanut butter? EXTRA Chunky

How many pillows do you sleep with: 1 Regular and my Princess pillow

City you were born in: Kennett, Missouri

Political Party: Uh, no answer

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